Rainy days and cold weather always seem to draw spiders indoors. While it is completely understandable on their part, you don’t necessarily want to share your home with spiders.
We have a collection of DIY bug spray for spiders to help you keep creepy crawlies out of your home. Arachnids are creepy enough with their long legs and the way they skitter across the floor, but they can also be a nuisance because well, let’s face it, spider bites are no fun.
Some spiders such as the brown recluse and black widow are dangerous and are unwelcome guests. Luckily, there are many natural DIY solutions to keep spiders out of the house without resorting to toxic chemicals.

Homemade Spider Sprays
To correctly deal with insects you may have at home, it’s important to know what kind you have to eliminate them. What does a clover mite look like? What about spiders?
For outdoor spider management, you can sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the house and clean up wood piles and yard debris. For indoor spider problems, You’ll need to take a different route entirely.
We have several home remedies for taking care of your spider problem, whether you want to kill spiders or deter spiders. We’ll show you how to repel spiders and prevent infestations without having to call in pest control by making a DIY spider spray.
How to Make a Natural Bug and Spider Repellent Spray
Spiders hate peppermint, so it is one of the main ingredients in this natural bug and spider repellent spray. You can use peppermint in the form of essential oil and mix it with different ingredients to be used as spider prevention or as a spider killer.
Mix all ingredients into the spray bottle and shake well. Make sure to label the bottle so that there is no confusion about its contents in the future. Spray the areas where spiders may find their way into the home, such as window sills, baseboards, doorways, and any other hidey-hole.
You can also use the spray to spray a spider directly. The essential oils act as the repellent while the white vinegar contains acetic acid, which acts as a contact killer.
Peppermint is one of the best plants to repel slugs, spiders, and all sorts of unwanted creatures. Grow some in the garden and have a couple of plants indoors to keep the creepy crawlies away.
Homemade Spider and Bug Spray
There are many essential oils that repel spiders and are a great addition to a homemade spider and bug spray. If you prefer to use something other than peppermint, try citronella. Citronella is commonly used to repel mosquitoes, but it also works quite well at keeping spiders away as well as being an ant repellent.
Mix the water, soap, and oil in the spray bottle and shake well. Be sure to label the spray bottle for safety purposes. Spray around the doors and windows, and on cobwebs.
Reapply the spray weekly during “spider season.” To get rid of ants, spray their pathway into your home. The smell of citronella confuses their navigation.
Spider Deterrent Spray
If running around and killing spiders is not your thing, then you’ll want to try a natural repellent spray for spiders. This type of bug spray will deter those spiders from coming into the home rather than terminate them.
Fill the spray bottle nearly to the top with the water and then add the peppermint oil. Shake the bottle well to mix and then label it for future use. Spray all areas of the home that are inviting to a spider, including doorways, windows, crevices, nooks, and crannies.
Oddly enough, spiders carry their taste buds on their feet. Since they cannot stand peppermint, they will avoid crossing the areas you have sprayed. If you’d prefer not using a spray, you can put a couple drops peppermint on cotton balls and set them in areas where spiders congregate.
Spider Repellent Spray Using Natural Solutions
There are many essential oil types that spiders and other insects cannot stand. Tea tree oil is one of them and works well for keeping spiders out of the home. The following spray can be used weekly to keep those spiders at bay.
Glass bottles work best with essential oils because plastic tends to react with the oils. Fill the spray bottle with water and the tea tree oil. Add a few drops of dish soap and give the bottle a good shake to mix.
Label the container for future use. Spray the solution onto spiderwebs, along doorways, on window sills, and any other area where spiders can enter the home.
Ammonia Spider and Bug Spray
If essential oils are not your thing and you want to get out the big guns, try an ammonia bug spray. While the odor isn’t as pleasant as an essential oil, this multipurpose spray also works well as a fly killer and a contact killer for cockroaches.
Ammonia Spider Repellent
To make the best way to kill spiders you may find in and around your home, mix equal parts water and ammonia in a spray bottle and give it a good shake. Be sure to label the spray bottle clearly and keep it in a safe place.
To deter spiders, spray the solution in all entry points of the house. Respray these areas once a week. For killing other insects, spray the solution directly onto the creepy-crawlies for speedy elimination.
Use this solution to control earwig in the garden and keep other bugs away from your veggies or flowering plants.
How to Make a Spider Repellent Spray with Garlic
While a bug zapper may kill flying insects and catch gnats, it will do no good at getting rid of spiders. Believe it or not, garlic may do the trick. It is not only a repellent of vampires but spiders and other insects, as well. If you do not like the smell of garlic, you may want to stick with one of the more pleasant essential oil bug sprays.
To make this natural spider deterrent, pour the water and garlic oil into a spray bottle. If you do not have any garlic oil available, smash a clove of garlic with a garlic press and add this to the water.
Use the spray to cover all areas outside of your home that spiders may use as an entrance, such as doorways, windowsills, and other small crevices. Repeat once a week until you no longer see those pesky spiders.
Use this remedy as a spray for tomato plants and other veggies in your garden that bugs like to munch on. It’s a great natural solution.
It’s astounding that spiders have a dislike and intolerance to natural elements such as peppermint. Lucky for you, you now have this bit of knowledge to carry around in your bug repellent arsenal.
Gone are the days of corner cobwebs and moments of terror as you watch a tiny and furry, eight-legged creature with fangs scurry beneath the couch.
Recipe for DIY Bug Spray for Spiders

DIY Bug Spray for Spiders
Get rid of spiders and leave a pleasant scent behind.
- 12 ounces water
- 5 drops lavender essential oil
- 10 drops peppermint oil
- 3 ounces distilled white vinegar
- 1 tbsp dishwashing liquid
- Measuring cup
- Tablespoon
- 24-ounce glass spray bottle
- Add the liquid ingredients to the sprayer.
- Shake well to combine.
- Spritz areas where spiders congregate or spray the arachnids themselves to kill them quickly.
Use a glass spray bottle rather than plastic, as essential oils degrade plastic as time passes.

If you are looking for a heavy-duty insect killer, you may be interested in our DIY wasp spray. We hope you’ll try a DIY bug spray for spiders from our selection here and share these natural spider repellent tips with your friends and family on Pinterest and Facebook.