Commonly used as an addition to savory sweet treats like fudge or ice cream, sweetened condensed milk is a great canned food to have in your pantry if you love to bake. Condensed milk also makes an excellent light cream sweetener for tea and coffee. Because condensed milk is a canned good, you might be wondering, “Does condensed milk go bad?”
The simple answer is yes; condensed milk has an expiration date that must be observed so you do not consume spoiled food. Throughout this article, we answer your important questions regarding the freshness and shelf life of condensed milk.
Additionally, discover a couple of ways to store both an opened and unopened can of condensed milk. Understanding the proper food storage techniques to use for condensed milk is vital to avoid food poisoning symptoms. Fortunately, learning how to store condensed milk and identify spoiled condensed milk is simple and only takes a few moments of your time.

Do You Store Condensed and Regular Milk the Same Way?
To answer, “How long does condensed milk last?” it is essential to understand the differences in storage between condensed milk, cow’s milk, and dairy-free milk alternatives like coconut milk.
Why does milk go bad? Regular milk shelf life is far shorter than condensed milk because of the ingredients in the product. Also, an unopened can of condensed milk can stay fresh at room temperature. Proper food safety prevents you from storing regular milk at room temperature.
How Long is Condensed Milk Good for Compared to Other Types of Milk?
Regular milk and condensed milk are similar but undergo a different heating process before being packaged. The other significant difference between cow’s milk and condensed milk is the amount of sugar.
Condensed milk contains added sugar compared to regular milk. The high sugar content of condensed milk is what makes the product terrific for baked goods. Another way to utilize the sugar in condensed milk is to sweeten your coffee or tea.
Another dairy product that is relatively similar to condensed milk is evaporated milk. The significant difference between the two dairy products is, once again, the amount of sugar in each product.
Condensed milk is always sweetened, while evaporated milk is unsweetened. Regarding storage, both evaporated and condensed milk have a similar shelf lif and are stored the same way.
When does Condensed Milk go Bad?
Although companies like Eagle Brand provide a best before date on condensed milk cans, proper storage techniques often allow the product to last even longer.
When does condensed milk go bad? An unopened can of condensed milk avoids spoilage for two years or more when stored correctly. The extremely long condensed milk shelf life makes the dairy product enticing to consumers.
How long is condensed milk good for after being opened? Does condensed milk have to be refrigerated? Because condensed milk is a dairy product, it must be kept in the fridge after opening. However, the high sugar content allows it to stay fresh longer than an opened can of evaporated milk.
When kept in the right conditions, condensed milk lasts up to ten days after opening. Understanding the answer to the question, “How long does condensed milk last?” is crucial only to use the freshest dairy products.
How Long does Condensed Milk Last before Spoiling?
Even if you keep condensed milk in the proper location, the product spoils eventually. Does nonfat dry milk expire, too? Like all milk and almost all food products, they all expire eventually.
Being able to identify spoiled condensed milk is vital to prevent symptoms of food poisoning.
Does sweetened condensed milk go bad? Yes, the dairy product does spoil as time passes, and the best way to observe spoilage is with a visual check.
Discoloration is the best indicator that your condensed milk is spoiled. When the contents start to yellow, it is easy to tell your condensed milk is no longer fresh. Additionally, sour condensed milk becomes extremely thick and cannot be poured.
If an unopened can of condensed milk has dents, rust, or holes, throw it out, as the contents are most likely spoiled. Learning how to tell when condensed milk is gone bad is simple when you have the correct information.
Storing Condensed Milk Correctly
To make condensed milk last as long as possible, you must know how to store the product correctly. Keep an unopened can of condensed milk at room temperature in a dry place next to other canned foods.
A dry area prevents excess moisture from harming the can. For leftover condensed milk, there are few tools needed to store the product.
One option to store opened condensed milk is to transfer the contents into an airtight container and set it in the fridge. An alternative technique is to cover the top of the opened can with aluminum foil or plastic wrap and place a rubber band over the top.
How long is condensed milk good for after being opened? When kept in the fridge, opened condensed milk lasts one to two weeks.
Storing Leftover Condensed Milk in the Freezer
To keep an opened can of condensed milk fresh for a few months, storing it in the freezer is the best choice.
Due to condensed milk’s high sugar content, the liquid does not freeze completely solid even when kept in the freezer for multiple days. One advantage of freezing condensed milk is that the texture and taste are not negatively affected.
To preserve milk for a long time, transfer your leftover condensed milk into an airtight container and make sure the container is completely sealed before setting it in the freezer.
How long does condensed milk last in the freezer? The dairy product stays fresh for up to three months when stored this way. To thaw condensed milk, set it in the fridge overnight and shake the contents if there is any separation.
Condensed milk is an excellent addition to baked goods and other sweet treats because of the product’s high sugar content.
Even though condensed milk is sold in a can, it is still essential to learn how to store the product correctly and how to identify when the milk has spoiled.

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