Evaporated milk is the perfect candidate for creamy sauces, soups, and chowders and is great for pouring into smoothies and coffee. However, we don’t always use an entire can when preparing our favorite recipes, and now there is a half-used can to store. Since most of us don’t use this milk type on a regular basis, does evaporated milk go bad?
A trip to your local grocery store reveals many different evaporated milk brands, from Carnation to Eagle Brand. A can of unopened evaporated milk seems like it has an indefinite shelf life, but does this milk go bad, and what is this type of milk exactly?
Unlike sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk or unsweetened condensed milk, it has no added sugar.
This shelf-stable milk has 60% less water content than whole milk, and just like regular milk, it’s a dairy product with an expiry date. However, the shelf life varies depending on where you store it and if it’s open.
Evaporated Milk Shelf Life – Ways to Store It
Both evaporated and condensed milk go through a heating process for sterilization, which gives them a fairly long shelf life.
Unopened cans are safe to sit at room temperature for extended periods and are an ideal form of food storage. Does condensed milk go bad? How long is evaporated milk good for if it’s unopened?
The shelf life of an unopened can of evaporated milk and condensed milk varies, depending on the brand and when you purchased it from the store.
Always check the best before date stamped on the can to avoid food poisoning. How long does evaporated milk last after you open it? This answer also varies, depending on where you store it.
How Long is Evaporated Milk Good for in the Pantry?
How long is evaporated milk good for if it’s not opened? While canned milk lasts relatively long, this dairy product’s shelf life differs from brand to brand.
It’s also essential to inspect the expiration date when purchasing it since this varies as well, and not all grocery stores are up to date with refreshing their stock.
Evaporated Milk Storage
Checking the best by date on the bottom or top of the can is always a good place to start. Most unopened evaporated milk products last six to 12 months.
Keep the can in a cool, dry kitchen, such as the pantry or cupboard. There is no need to keep it in the fridge if it’s unopened since this doesn’t make any difference to its shelf life. This also applies when you store dry milk.
While Carnation evaporated milk and other brands don’t recommend consuming the milk after its expire date, canned goods are usually safe for months after their due date. However, never use canned foods with dents or damage to prevent botulism.
How Long does Evaporated Milk Last in the Fridge?
Recipes don’t always call for an entire can of evaporated milk, and it’s often necessary to store it in the fridge. When does evaporated milk go bad, and how long does evaporated milk last if you refrigerate it?
While it’s tempting to place the opened can of evaporated milk directly on the refrigerator shelf, a film of milk skin develops, and the liquid absorbs other fridge odors.
Pour the leftover evaporated milk into an airtight container and seal the lid in place. Preserve condensed milk after opening the same way. Set it near the back of the fridge, instead of in the door, where the temperatures are coldest, and use it within five days.
Does Evaporated Milk Go Bad?
There are probably countless times when you place leftovers in the fridge, and it is shoved to the back and long forgotten.
Unfortunately, these items no longer have a valid expiry date, and it’s hard to tell if they are still fresh. Here is how to tell when evaporated milk is gone bad and better off in the trash.
You may also find that one of the kids left a milk carton on the counter. How long can milk sit out before it goes bad? Let milk sit out for no more than two hours to prevent spoilage and the potential for food poisoning.
Spoiled Evaporated Milk
Your senses are always the most useful tools for learning whether food products are bad or still safe to consume. Inspect the top of the milk after opening the can or container and check for mold.
Stir the liquid to see if there are lumps or discoloration. Finally, smell and taste it for freshness. If the milk is lumpy, green or brown, or has a sour smell or taste, dump it down the kitchen sink.
Can You Freeze Evaporated Milk?
Many food products are not suited for freezing and become separated during the process – evaporated milk is one of them. Since the milk does not have the same consistency after thawing, it is best to reblend it for cooking and baking purposes.
To freeze evaporated milk after opening the can, pour the leftover milk into an airtight container, leaving a half-inch of headspace to allow for expansion. Seal the lid tightly in place and set it on the freezer shelf.
One of the best tips for the preservation of milk is to make milk ice cubes. To make frozen milk cubes, pour the liquid into an ice cube tray and freeze until solid. Remove the milk cubes from the tray and place them in a freezer bag. Return them to the freezer and store for up to three months.
To thaw the evaporated milk, move it from the freezer to the fridge overnight and then blend the liquid with a whisk or blender to restore its consistency. To use the frozen cubes, toss them directly into smoothies, or add them to a chilled coffee beverage.
It’s easy to forget how long a can of evaporated milk is sitting on your pantry shelf, and checking the expiration date is the most reliable way to ensure that it’s still fresh. It’s just as important to know how long it lasts after opening and learn ways to store it to keep it fresh.
Does evaporated milk go bad is a common question, and knowing the answer prevents spoilage and waste, so why not share our evaporated milk storage guide and tips with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest?