Asparagus is top on our list of favorite vegetables, and it’s a wonderful addition to the garden, growing back year after year on its own. While it seems to take care of itself, asparagus plants do like a pick-me-up now and then to produce healthy asparagus crowns. Learn how to use Epsom salt for asparagus to give your plants the boost they want.
Nothing is better than harvesting fresh asparagus spears in spring, whether you find a patch of wild asparagus or grow an asparagus bed with tomato plants and other veggies. Feeding these plants with Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate is an excellent supplement to regular fertilizer.
Is Epsom salt good for plants? As strange as it may seem, this naturally occurring mineral salt benefits many plants, from flowering plants to asparagus plants. It’s the best fertilizer to add to the garden soil if you’re growing asparagus organically to add vital nutrients and encourage plant growth.

Fertilizing Asparagus Plants With Epsom Salt
While you may think of Epsom salt as bath salts for easing sore muscles, it’s also an organic fertilizer and weed killer. Learn what this mineral salt is, how it helps plants, and how to apply it to your asparagus. Discover quick ways to treat weeds in the yard with an Epsom salt mix that will benefit your garden in many ways.
What Is Epsom Salt?
We all know that Epsom salt has therapeutic properties and aids in relaxing the body, but is Epsom salt good for asparagus? Yes, it is. Discover what this mineral salt is to give you an understanding of the benefits it offers to plants.
Epsom Salt
Contrary to its name, Epsom salt is not a typical salt. Instead, it is a naturally occurring mineral salt with high magnesium and sulfur levels. Unlike rock salt, Epsom salt is derived from Epsomite. While it has various personal uses, using Epsom salt for asparagus plants is a natural way to feed plants.
Is Epsom Salt Good for Asparagus?
Is Epsom salt good for asparagus? This bath salt is helpful for asparagus plant growth – it’s also a form of pest and weed control. Find out the many ways you can fertilize plants with food grade Epsom salts as a great helper in the garden.
While it may seem weird to think of Epsom salt and asparagus as going together, this bath salt works wonders for plants. It provides sulfur and magnesium – nutrients that contribute to fruiting, flowering, and overall plant production. Make a DIY fertilizer for asparagus to add these beneficial nutrients to the soil. Additionally, these elements aid photosynthesis and allow asparagus to absorb micronutrients.
Since asparagus grows ideally in slightly alkaline soil, complete a soil test before applying a new fertilizer. If your garden is too acidic, consider spreading lime, organic matter, grass clippings, and mulch over the ground.
How to Use Epsom Salt for Asparagus Plants
A foliar spray is an excellent way to give a plant a quick nutrient boost. Feed the plant directly on the plant stem and leaf rather than the soil, and it’s an essential part of crop production. Learn how to use Epsom salt for asparagus plants by making a plant spray.
Pour the Epsom salt into a spray bottle of water and shake it gently to mix. Spray the asparagus twice a month with the solution to repel insects like asparagus beetles, prevent weeds, and encourage thicker asparagus spear growth.
Making a Soil Drench With Epsom Salt for Asparagus
Is Epsom salt good for asparagus plants? Yes – the best way to apply it for healthy root growth is to add it to the soil. Explore how to use Epsom salt for asparagus by making a soil drench.
Add the Epsom salt to the eggshell water and pour it into the asparagus soil around the asparagus crown. Water plants with this mixture in early spring before the spears emerge and after the last harvest in June.
While asparagus tolerates sandy, medium, or heavy dirt, it does not like growing in highly acidic soil. Fortunately, adding Epsom salt does not alter the soil pH. Adding it to the asparagus bed encourages strong plant growth and prevents asparagus weeds.

Using Epsom salt for asparagus is a natural way to help plants grow healthy and productive, so why not share our guide to feeding asparagus plants with Epson salt with your friends and family on Pinterest and Facebook?