If you’ve spotted skittering silver bugs around your residence, you need a few home remedies to get rid of silverfish fast. Due to the silverfish’s consumption of spiders and other predatory insects, the bug population in the house is kept in check. Management might be unnecessary if you only spot one bug. But, if you see a lot of them, it’s generally time to start pest control using home remedies to kill silverfish.
The presence of a food source attracts silverfish, as does moisture. In some instances, silverfish can make your family sick because it makes them more sensitive to other environmental irritants.
Silverfish damage paper, adhesive, and textiles like old clothing and rugs. Whatever your preferences, there’s a remedy for getting rid of silverfish. Turn to a natural technique like scent deterrents with essential oils or spread boric acid to eradicate silverfish.

Brilliant Home Remedies to Kill Silverfish
Silverfish or Lepisma saccharina is a common household menace like fruit flies and bed bugs. Fortunately, there are numerous home remedies to get rid of silverfish. Choose a strategy for getting rid of silverfish based on your supplies.
Use natural means like essential oils or bay leaves to make a DIY silverfish spray, or turn to sticky traps and naphthalene balls to oust silverfish from your abode for good.
Home Remedies to Get Rid of Silverfish – Scent Deterrents
Scent deterrents are some of the best natural home remedies for a silverfish infestation. Silverfish have a delicate sense of smell, and potent aromas like essential oils drive them out of a room or keep them from entering.
Choose a scent you like and add a few drops to a cotton pad. Or, leave a piece of the scented item in an infested area to run off silverfish and for killing pantry moths and other bugs like roaches or ants.
Naphthalene balls are a chemical option to deter them if you don’t want to repel silverfish naturally. Always read the label and safety precautions, as naphthalene balls are toxic and may harm you and your pets.
Boric Acid is a Home Remedy for Getting Rid of Silverfish
Boric acid is a straightforward way to attract and kill silverfish and carpet beetles or control a silver fish moth or bed bug infestation. Boric acid or orthoboric acid is available from hardware stores and pharmacies.
Sprinkle a thin coating of boric acid in the sites of silverfish activity to get rid of them; the insects die from contact. Clean up any silverfish bug remains and top off the powdered boric acid as necessary.
To safely and successfully get rid of silverfish, use boric acid in powder form rather than liquid. The powder is simpler to handle and contain and less prone to spill.
Silverfish Control with Sticky Traps
Use a glue board or a store-bought sticky roach trap to catch silverfish at home and control adult silverfish populations. Put a small piece of bread or some other starchy food in the middle of the adhesive surface as bait and set the sticky silverfish trap in rooms with a silverfish problem. Nearby silverfish are drawn to the lure and become trapped in the adhesive.
To reduce accidents, put sticky traps in boxes with small entrances so pets and children can’t reach inside. Throw away the trap after it fills. Glue boards are successful at catching an insect, but they may harm people and animals if they contact skin.
Preventing Silverfish From Invading
Silverfish love damp areas with a readily available food source. Understanding what attracts silverfish helps keep them out of your residence. Try a few uncomplicated home maintenance ideas to prevent silverfish from taking over your space.
Paper and adhesive should be kept in sealed boxes because they are common food for silverfish. Vacuuming and keeping spotless counters in the kitchen and bathroom avoids providing food.
One of the most urgent things to get rid of silverfish is to lower the humidity level. It’s a natural way to repel silverfish and some other unwanted insects. Keep rooms well-ventilated, and use dehumidifiers in locations with a lot of moisture. Fix any leaks or drips.
Female silverfish reproduce rapidly, and a silverfish egg cluster soon becomes hundreds more insects, so address the problem quickly. Find home remedies to kill silverfish and take care of the bugs in your home without calling an expensive pest control service. Contact the National Pest Management Association for advice.

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