Black sneakers always look their best right after you purchase them. Yet, time has a way of making those once-brilliant shoes dreary as they fade and get scuff marks. Learn how to clean black sneakers to remove loose dirt, scuffs, and tough stains to restore their original appearance.
While white shoes are notorious for attracting every bit of dirt they come across, black sneakers are not much different since a stain is strikingly obvious against the stark black color of the fabric. Fortunately, removing a stain from a black shoe is just as easy as cleaning a white sneaker.
There are different ways to clean sneakers, depending on whether they are canvas sneakers, suede, or black leather shoes. While cleaning black or white canvas shoes is pretty straightforward, removing dirt from black or white leather sneakers requires special cleaning techniques and cleaners.

Ways to Clean All Types of Black Sneakers
Don’t retire your dirty black sneakers to the back of the closet. Discover simple ways to clean a canvas, leather, or suede sneaker to remove everyday dirt, marks, and stains.
First, consider the first option to wash Vans® in the washing machine to get any dirt and stains out of canvas shoes. Canvas shoes will hold up in the washing machine and won’t rip or tear.
How to Clean Black Sneakers
Nothing is more unsightly on a black shoe than a stubborn stain or scuff mark. Find out how to keep black sneakers clean with soapy water and stain removers. These methods are safe to clean white shoes, as well.
To remove everyday dirt and clean black canvas shoes, make a cleaning solution of soapy water by filling a container with warm water and adding several drops of liquid dish soap or laundry detergent. Apply the cleaner to your shoes with a clean rag, pat it dry with a paper towel, and replace the insole if necessary.
If your black shoes have stains or scuffs, a Magic Eraser or a cotton ball soaked with nail polish remover cleans the spot from the material. Baking soda paste and a toothbrush clean the soles of the shoes. Wipe away the paste residue with a damp cloth. White toothpaste is a good alternative if you don’t have baking soda.
You may find recommendations online that you can wash sneakers in the dishwasher. This should only be a last resort – and should not be repeated often. The high heat in this appliance can fade and damage footwear.
Whether you have soaked shoes or just need to dry the inside of sneakers, air drying in front of a fan is best. Save the dryer for emergencies only.
How to Get Black Sneakers Black Again
Shoe polish is your best bet if your black shoes are faded or have a stubborn stain that simply won’t budge. Explore how to get black sneakers black again with black shoe polish.
Tape the soles of your shoes with medicinal tape to protect them from the polish. Apply black dye over the shoe’s surface with a fine brush. Allow the shoe polish to dry completely, apply a second coat if necessary, and finish by using a protective spray to keep the dye from running.
Cleaning Black Leather Sneakers
Cleaning black leather sneakers is a bit different than washing a canvas or knit sneaker since the natural material does not tolerate excess water and harsh cleaners. Safely clean your leather footwear with vinegar.
Pour the white vinegar and distilled water into a container and dampen a soft cloth with the liquid. Rub the cloth over the dirty areas on your leather shoes. Use this remedy for getting scuff marks off patent leather shoes, too.
Try not to get the surface too wet, and dry each shoe thoroughly with a soft towel. After cleaning black leather sneakers, apply a leather conditioner to protect them and give them a finished look.
Tips for Cleaning Black Suede Shoes
Suede has a napped surface that collects dust and dirt, and it’s essential to use the proper cleaner to prevent damage. Easily clean black suede shoes to give them a fresh finish.
Start by removing the shoelaces and brushing the nap on each shoe to remove dust and loose dirt. Gently remove stains and marks with a suede eraser. If the stains persist, try cleaning the spot with diluted vinegar. Once the shoes are clean, apply a suede protector to repel water and future stains.
Black shoes look amazing, especially when they look brand new. However, a scuff mark or stain sticks out like a sore thumb on the black fabric. It’s essential to clean a white sneaker or black shoe materials with the proper cleaners to ensure they always look their best.

We hope that learning how to clean black sneakers keeps your footwear in tip-top shape, and we’d love it if you’d share our black shoe cleaning guide with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest.