Whether you’re a parent, work with children, or use crayons for personal art projects, you already have enough errands to run and chores to check off your list. Imagine opening your dryer door to fold another load of laundry, only to discover that bright colors of melted crayon wax have decorated your clothes and dryer walls. Knowing how to clean crayon out of a dryer turns a catastrophe into only a slight inconvenience.
Crayons are household essentials if you live or work with children. Unfortunately, these small art tools are often picked up and put into pockets, only to be forgotten until it’s too late. Melted wax clings to anything it touches and can be a tremendous pain to remove.
The bright colors you once loved on paper are now your enemy and splattered inside your expensive dryer. Knowing how to remove crayon from a dryer is a skill applicable to any parent with school-aged children at home.

All About Crayons
While we usually remove lint from a dryer every time we use it, thankfully, dealing with a blob of crayon is not necessary as often. We have all used a Crayola crayon at some point in our lives. Crayons are small sticks of wax pastels used for writing, coloring, drawing, and other art forms.
Although these tools are known for being less messy than markers and paints, they become more challenging to remove once heated. The melted wax spreads and quickly hardens and sticks to anything.
If you encountered a colorful surprise in your dryer and are scouring the internet for ways to get crayon out of a dryer, look no further.
Some of the most FAQs about cleaning dryers pertain to removing wax from the drum. This article provides you with the most straightforward cleaning tips to completely remove crayon from a dryer without damaging a future load of clothes.
Effective Ways to Get Crayon Out of a Dryer
Cleaning crayon out of a dryer doesn’t have to send you into panic mode. Before you try any of these crayon removal techniques, there are a few primary actions to remove as much wax as possible.
When cleaning a dryer drum of crayon, start by scraping off any wax from your dryer walls with a credit card or gift card. Once the majority of the wax is off, run your dryer for 10-15 minutes to soften it.
This action allows the crayon marks to wipe away more easily while you try out these next crayon removal methods.
Using Powder Cleanser to Remove Crayon from a Dryer
Using a powder cleaning product such as Ajax, Comet, Bon Ami, or Bar Keeper’s Friend works wonders for any situation with wax, whether you have crayon marks in the dryer or need to get candle wax off wall surfaces. The powder form acts as a scouring pad while the chemicals work to break up and lift the wax.
Dip a hot, wet sponge or cloth in the cleaner. Scrub the entire drum of the dryer. Wipe away the mess with a clean, damp rag. Dip an old toothbrush in water, followed by the cleaner.
Scrub any small cracks or corners that you missed when using the sponge. Wipe away the product with another clean, wet rag. Repeat the process until all wax is gone.
To test if you’ve adequately removed the crayon, place a couple of dry rags or old towels in the dryer and dry them on the highest heat setting. If any wax remains, you will be able to see it on the rags.
Red crayon and orange crayon stand out against any rag color, but using white cloths guarantees that you’ll see any leftover wax from whatever color crayon you found.
How to Clean Crayon Out of a Dryer with WD-40
WD-40 is a product mostly used to loosen screws, nuts, and bolts, but this product has many other uses. This spray makes a great stain remover to get crayon off wood and other furniture. Check if your clothes dryer has a pilot light before you use this crayon removal method.
WD-40 is extremely flammable and should never be sprayed directly into or used on a dryer with a pilot light. Spray an old rag with the product and let it sit for 20 minutes. Begin scrubbing the stained area with the same cloth you used to apply the WD-40.
Dip a paper towel into a mixture of warm water and dish soap and scrub the drum to remove leftover particles. Dry the entire machine with a clean paper towel or a dry cloth. Use old rags or towels to test the cleanliness of the dryer.
Use WD-40 spray in other areas of the house, too. Try using this spray to remove crayon from a wall. Spray the marked areas of your walls and let it sit for ten minutes.
The marks easily wipe away from the wall, and you won’t have to worry about it the next time your kids decide to use your home as an art canvas.
Homemade Crayon Removal Paste
Making your own cleaning products to remove tough stains is possible by combining Tide dishwashing detergent powder and water. Some of the best ways to get crayon out of a dryer are by using products you already have at home.
Place a decent amount of the powder detergent into a medium bowl. Substitute powdered laundry detergent if you don’t have any dishwashing detergent. Slowly add water until a thick paste forms.
Smear the paste around the inside of the dryer drum and let sit for ten minutes. Scrub the paste with a wet sponge. In another bowl, combine dish soap and hot water.
Soak a rag or cloth in the soapy water to clean up any remnants of the paste. Perform a test by drying old rags to make sure no wax is left behind.
We especially love this homemade paste because the ingredients used are guaranteed to be safe on any clothes you wash next and is also safe on upholstery and furniture.
Removing Wax with Citrus Based Cleaners
You likely already have some citrus cleaning products stashed away under the sink or in a closet. Cleaning products like Cerama Bryte help to make breaking down crayon stains more easily.
Pour Cerama Bryte or another citrus cleaner on a rag and scrub the affected area to remove ink from dryer or to take care of that stubborn crayon mark. Use a toothbrush to clean hard to reach areas. Wipe away the cleaner with a dry paper towel. Soak the corner of a new, dry rag in olive oil and rub over the affected area.
Clean the entire drum with soapy water and dry with a cloth. The cleaner starts to break down the wax while the olive oil softens it, making it easier to lift and wipe away the crayon marks.
As a bonus, if you have been dealing with an unpleasant aroma from the dryer, this solution will help eliminate the dryer smell and leave it with a fresh, clean citrus scent.
Using Magic Erasers on Crayon Marks
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser has many more uses than cleaning a kitchen or bathroom. Fill a bucket with the hottest water you can handle to the touch. Dunk the eraser in the water and begin the scrub the dryer.
Test the cleanliness of the machine by drying old, white rags to make sure no wax gets on the fabric. If clean, it is safe to use on all future loads of laundry.
When was the last time you wiped down your washing machine? Use a Magic Eraser on your washing machine so that both devices get a proper cleaning. If you are not sure how often to clean your washer and dryer, try searching for printable cleaning schedules on the internet.
If you’ve cleaned the dryer but are worried about an entire load of clothes that have already been damaged, wash the clothing on the heavy soil cycle with hot water and fabric-safe bleach.
Save the rest of your laundry by applying these methods to remove crayon from the dryer. Even if you haven’t found wax in your machine, some of these methods can be used for cleaning a dryer regularly.
By using these techniques, you’ll soon be able to wash clothes without the worry of ruining your favorite clothing articles.

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