Taking a relaxing shower after a hard days work only to spend your time trying to avoid touching grime, mildew, scum, and dirty grout stains is the worst (except for a nasty sewer smell in basement). Showers and baths are meant to leave you feeling clean and refreshed, not disgusted.
It may be time for you to learn how to clean grout with vinegar and baking soda. We’ve got some good news for you. There is no need to look at those disgusting grout stains any longer.
With the right cleaning solution and a little elbow grease, you can make a homemade grout cleaner for cleaning tile in the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. Check out our tips to do it right the first time.

Grout Cleaning with Vinegar and Baking Soda
We have come to realize in this day and age that using harsh chemicals for cleaning can be harmful. Fortunately, there are non-toxic ingredients in your own home that are not only natural but very efficient as a natural cleaner. Cleaning grout with vinegar and other natural elements can give you the clean tile you desire.
We bet you have white vinegar, dish soap, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and lemon juice somewhere in your kitchen. That’s all you need!
By combining the right ingredients to make a vinegar based grout cleaner with the right tools and knowledge, you can create a grout cleaner to clean those tile floors and walls. Cleaning grout with bake soda and vinegar is simple and quite cost-effective, too. You’ll wish you had known this tips sooner!
Take care of grout in bathroom walls and use one of these recipes as a way to clean dirty grout in tile floor, too. These are also handy cleaning tips for general home improvement in other areas of the house, as well.
Cleaning Grout with Vinegar
Vinegar is acidic and is excellent for counteracting the gunk that builds-up in grout lines. It acts by dissolving away soap scum, hard water brine, and nasty grout mold. It also works well to clean grout haze leftover when new grout is installed.
Using vinegar for bathroom cleaning is versatile since it may be used on almost anything in the bathroom. Here is a vinegar based grout cleaner that is ideal for heavy dirt and mild grout stains. It is appropriate for grout in the kitchen, as well.
Mix the water and vinegar in the spray bottle to make one of the best vinegar cleaning solutions around. Spray the affected grout areas with the solution and let sit for about five minutes so that it can work into the grout.
Using the scrub brush, scrub the tile grout to loosen and wipe the area clean with a damp cloth. You can use this recipe both for cleaning epoxy grout and traditional cement-based grout.
Mopping the floor may be necessary after the area has been cleaned. This method can also be used as a homemade toilet bowl cleaner for stains.
Vinegar Based Grout Cleaner
Once you know how to clean grout with vinegar and baking soda you will never want to go back to store-bought detergents. This method is an excellent bathroom tile grout cleaner due to the combination of vinegar and baking soda. This solution utilizes the Vinegar Grout Cleaner we listed above.
For the best way to clean grout, make a thick paste using equal parts baking soda and vinegar. Dip an old toothbrush into the baking soda paste and apply it to the grout lines on the floor tile. Spray the area with the Vinegar Grout Cleaner listed above.
Once the affected area stops foaming, scrub with the toothbrush. Sometimes it is not even necessary to use the brush, as this is the easiest way to clean grout without scrubbing. Rinsing of the shower tile and grout may be necessary if you deep clean a shower while cleaning the grout.
Sometimes cleaning your grout just isn’t enough to get rid of stains, particularly if the grout is old. You can take care of removing grout yourself and replacing it with clean, new grout. The process is a little labor-intensive and can be messy but it is easy enough for most DIYers.
It is unnecessary to use harsh chemicals such as chlorine bleach for cleaning grout or as a floor cleaner. DIY grout cleaning can be done easily to clean floors and ensure that they are free of grime. Make sure to use a proper grout sealer once you are finished to keep that white grout clean.

Now that you have an understanding of how to clean grout with vinegar and baking soda, we hope that you’ll share it with your friends and family on social media.