Getting a new puppy with its adorable face and silly antics is fun and rewarding. However, dogs are a lot of work, especially if they aren’t house trained. Learn how to get dog pee smell out of clothes after your furry friend has an accident.
Cleaning up dog pee is frustrating, whether you have a pup or a dog simply misbehaving. Dogs seem to have no preference where they do their duty, making their mark on everything from the living room floor to a pile of laundry. Often, you don’t even know they’ve had an accident until you get a whiff of dog pee smell.
While it’s easy to throw your clothes into the washing machine with oxygen bleach, this doesn’t always get smells out of clothes. Urine stains are stubborn to remove, especially dry stains, and an enzymatic cleaner is necessary to remove uric acid and pet odor from the material.

Ways to Get Dog Pee Odors Out of Clothing
Even if you remove a dog pee stain from your clothing or carpet with traditional means, there may be a lingering odor if you don’t use the right cleaner. Fortunately, there are ways to remove a new or old urine stain and keep your clothes smelling fresh. Use a natural enzymatic cleaner for dog pee that you make yourself, or purchase one to keep handy for accidents.
Tips for Getting Dog Urine Smell Out of Clothing
Since urine has enzymes, there are right and wrong ways to get urine smells out of clothes, whether cat pee or dog urine. Prepare for getting dog urine smell out of clothing so your cleaning methods are more effective.
Dog and cat urine contain uric acid, urea, creatinine, hormones, and enzymes. It is most concentrated in the morning, causing a stronger smelling stain. Therefore, it’s essential to absorb as much of the pee as possible before removing dog urine smell from clothing with a cleaning product.
If the pee stain is fresh, blot the liquid with paper towels and hold the fabric beneath running water to flush urine from the fibers. Then, you can get the smell of cat pee out of clothing with your chosen odor eliminator.
How to Remove Dog Urine Smell From Clothes
You’re lucky if you catch your pooch in the act since a fresh pee smell is easier to remove than an old one. Learn how to remove dog urine smell from clothes if it’s a new stain.
For the best method of getting dog urine smells out of clothing, place the item in the washing machine. Only wash the soiled fabrics and do not add other clothing items. Add white vinegar and run the washer on a cold water cycle. Once the washing cycle is complete, wash the items again with laundry detergent and use the hottest water cycle.
How to Get Dog Pee Smell Out of Clothes
If you recently discovered that your pup had an accident on your clothes sometime in the past or if you need to remove dog pee smell from the car seat or floor, not to worry. While an old, dry urine stain is more challenging to remove, it’s not impossible. Find out how to get rid of dog pee smell in clothes if the stain is old.
To remove an old urine smell from fabrics, combine hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a bottle with two to three drops of laundry detergent. Lay the soiled item on a towel and spray the affected area with the cleaning solution.
Let the cleaner settle for an hour and check to see if the dog urine smell or cat urine odor is gone. Finish by rinsing the clothing under running water to flush away the peroxide solution.
Follow the same procedure if you are getting dog pee smell out of the couch. Use caution on dark-colored carpeting or other fabric, as peroxide may fade the color.
Ways to Prevent Dogs From Having Accidents
Just because you know how to remove dog urine smell from clothes doesn’t mean you want to spend your days eliminating pet urine odor. Fortunately, there are easy ways to prevent your pooch from having accidents in the home.
Getting dog urine smell out of clothing, carpets, and other areas lessens the chance that your dog will be a repeat offender. The best way to prevent a pup from peeing in the same place is to clean it as promptly as possible to remove the urine odor by carpet cleaning and clothes laundering.
Dogs mark their territory with a pet urine smell, outside and indoors, and spaying or neutering helps stop this instinct. Make a homemade dog repellent spray for carpet and use it often until your pup gets the message.
A puppy that continually pees inside the house may need more frequent trips outside until they mature and are housebroken. On the other hand, if you’re a cat owner, clean the litter box daily to remove cat pee smell.
While dogs are a joy to have in the family, their potty accidents are not, especially when it’s on your clothing. Luckily, safe and simple ingredients at home work wonders for removing dog or cat urine smell or a fresh pet stain.

Now that you found out how to get dog pee smell out of clothes, why not share our dog urine odor removers with your family and friends on Pinterest and Facebook to keep their clothes smelling fresh?