Urine stains and odors are some of the toughest to remove, especially from animal urine. Concrete is a porous material that absorbs and holds dog or cat pee, filling a space with a foul smell. Learn how to get dog pee smell out of concrete with a few odor eliminator techniques.
If you’re a pet owner, you’re probably all too familiar with pet urine stains, especially when dealing with a puppy. Sometimes they have accidents on the carpeting, and other times they do their duty on a concrete floor in the basement, garage, or patio.
Unfortunately, concrete is not as easy to clean as other surfaces like carpets since it has pores smaller than the diameter of human hair. While carpet cleaning usually removes dog and cat urine odor from rugs, concrete requires a different cleaning solution to eradicate the pet odor.

Ways to Remove Dog Pee Smell From Concrete
Nothing is more unpleasant than the lingering smell of dog or cat urine. Fortunately, there are ways to remove the urine smell from concrete simple remedies like vinegar and an enzymatic cleaner.
Why is Dog Urine Odor So Hard to Remove?
We’re all familiar with the tell-tale sign of pet urine, but why does it smell so bad? Discover what causes the dog urine smell and why getting dog pee smell out of concrete is not as easy to remove.
We will also show you ways to stop your dog from peeing on the floor all together by making a DIY dog pee repellent. Stop the odor at its source by making surfaces unappealing for your dog to go pee on.
Dog Pee
A dog urine stain is difficult to clean because it contains uric acid crystals; the longer it sits, the harder it is to eliminate. To top it off, hormones, ammonia, uric acid, and bacteria cause the infamous dog or cat urine smell.
How to Remove Dog Urine Smell From Concrete With Vinegar
White vinegar is excellent for breaking down the uric acid in dog urine and is safe to use on concrete. Find out how to remove dog urine smells by washing concrete basement floors with vinegar and baking soda. This powerful deodorizer will get rid of strong urine smells left by pets.
To clean dog urine from concrete with vinegar, combine two cups of white vinegar with one cup of water in a bottle and spritz the liquid over the stain. Let it soak for 12 to 24 hours, and rinse the area with water.
If that doesn’t work to destroy the odor, sprinkle baking soda over the spot, pour straight vinegar over the powder, and rinse the residue after it stops bubbling.
Getting Dog Pee Smell Out of Concrete
Another way of getting dog pee smell out of concrete if you don’t have a jug of vinegar is hydrogen peroxide. Explore how to remove dog urine smell from concrete fast using peroxide and water.
Absorb the urine from the carpet or concrete with paper towels if it’s a fresh stain. Make a dog urine odor remover by combining hydrogen peroxide with water and a few drops of dish soap. Spray the liquid on the stain, let it sit for several hours, and rinse it with clean water.
How to Get Dog Pee Smell Out of Concrete With Enzyme Cleaner
The final step in making floor cleaner for dog urine and washing concrete quickly is to apply an enzymatic cleaner to the urine stain. These cleaners use live bacteria to digest odor-causing molecules, effectively eliminating the urine smell.
An enzymatic cleaner is most effective at getting dog pee smell out of concrete since it uses bacteria to break down and remove the pee smell. Follow the directions for your enzymatic cleaning product and spray the concrete as directed. Wait the recommended amount of time and rinse the surface with water. Ensure there is zero odor and repeat if necessary.
Unlike fabric and carpet, removing urine smell and dog odor from concrete is a little more challenging since it is highly porous. Luckily, an enzyme cleaner and other simple solutions remove pet urine odor from this surface.

Now that you’ve learned how to get dog pee smell out of concrete, we’d love it if you’d share our cleaning methods for removing urine odor from the concrete floor with your family and friends on Pinterest and Facebook.