It could seem like the end of the world if you knock a paint can over onto your carpet or some paint drips off your brush. Given the cost of replacing carpeting, you might fear that you’ll be stuck with this blotch on your carpet for years to come. Find out how to get latex paint out of carpet to eliminate ugly paint stains from your floor covering.
Thankfully, latex paint is relatively easy to remove with soap and water. Like acrylic paint, it tends to be water-based. On the other hand, when removing oil paint, you need to use a solvent like paint thinner.
Much of the equipment used to clean latex paint from carpet consists of items you probably already own, like paper towel and a putty knife. A few carpet cleaning methods require more specialized equipment, like a steam cleaner or wet dry vacuum.

How to Remove Latex Paint from Carpet
It’s easiest to wipe up a paint-spill before it dries. However, it’s also possible to remove dried latex paint from carpet. Read on for tips for both situations, plus ideas for working safely with chemicals and preventing paint spills.
How to Get Latex Paint Out of Carpet Before It Dries
If you react quickly enough, it’s possible to remove most or all of the paint before a carpet stain forms. Gently blot the spill with paper towels—or a clean white cloth to avoid dyeing the carpet.
Blotting soaks up the paint. Do not scrub since that pushes the stain further into the carpet fibers.
Removing Stubborn Wet Paint from Carpet
If you blot with a paper towel or cloth, whether you are trying to get latex paint off leather or your living room carpet, but the paint does not all come off, pour hot water over the stain. Next, mix a simple cleaning solution and learn how to clean a rug by hand, as well as a roomful of carpeting.
To clean paint from carpet, combine the water and soap and pour the cleaner onto the stained area. Rub with a stiff brush or cloth, starting at the stain’s edge and working your way inward.
Continue scrubbing until the paint starts to dissolve. You may need to add more soapy water. Once you’ve cleaned up the paint, vacuum to prevent mold and mildew from developing.
How to Remove Dried Latex Paint from Carpet
Scrape at loose paint flakes with a knife that’s sharp enough to dislodge the paint but not so sharp it’ll damage the carpet. Combine hot water and a little dishwashing detergent in a small bowl.
Pour some of the detergent solution onto the paint stain. Allow the liquid to soak in for several minutes.
If the stain does not soften, steam it with a handheld steamer or a clothes iron on the steam setting. If you’re using an iron, insert a wet rag between the carpet and iron to avoid burning the fibers.
Scrape off the softened paint with the knife. If necessary, dab with a damp rag or dry paper towel.
Another Approach for Cleaning Dry Paint from Carpet
To remove dried latex paint from carpet, scrape off as much as possible with a knife. Next, loosen any large pieces with needle-nose pliers.
When getting acrylic paint out of carpet or the latex variety, saturate the affected area with water, then vacuum with a wet dry vacuum. Repeat as required to get rid of the worst of the paint stain, then mix a carpet cleaner solution.
Shake the ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray the stain, then scrub with a stiff brush. Continue spraying and scrubbing until the stain disappears.
How to Remove Tough Latex Paint Stains from Carpet
The above measures are generally enough to remove latex paint. However, if the stain refuses to come off, try these steps for removing oil paint stains.
Start by using a steam cleaner on the paint. The next step is dabbing at the stain with a clean rag dipped in paint thinner, hydrogen peroxide, or pure acetone (not nail polish remover).
If you use paint thinner, combine these ingredients, sponge the affected carpet, and blot dry with a paper towel. Vacuum to eliminate the paint thinner smell.
Other paint removal options include rubbing alcohol and commercial carpet stain removers. These products sometimes cause discoloration, so first, test a hidden section of carpet, like inside a closet.
If nothing else works, consider trimming off the stained carpet fiber tips. Cut just below the paint to avoid removing too much carpet.
Precautions for Working with Latex Paint and Chemicals
Latex paint is less toxic than oil-based paint. Nonetheless, it may still irritate the skin, eyes, mouth, and stomach. To disperse paint fumes, open doors and windows while painting.
Read the safety instructions for any chemicals that you use to remove paint stains. In most cases, you want to work in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves and goggles.
Several chemicals release dangerous fumes and cause damage if swallowed. They often also irritate the skin and eyes. Wash your hands well when you’re finished.
Several products are highly flammable. In general, choose a cool, dry, dark storage location. Other precautions include starting by testing a small area, not combining chemicals unless you know that it is safe, and disposing of products according to directions.
How to Avoid Spilling Paint on a Carpet
The easiest way to remove latex paint from carpet is not to spill it in the first place. When painting, cover the floor with canvas drop cloths or a sheet of heavy-duty plastic held in place with tape.
Put your paint can on a pie plate to catch drips—glue the container into place to prevent it from moving around.
Alternatively, get a snap-on lid with a spout for neat pouring into a paint tray. If you’re only touching up a small area, carefully pour the necessary amount of paint into a cup to avoid lugging the whole can around.
The steps to remove latex paint from carpet vary depending on whether the liquid has had a chance to dry.
While the paint is still wet, blot at it gently with paper towel or a white cloth. For dried paint, try a combination of scraping, steaming, applying hot water and dish soap, and vacuuming.
If necessary, turn to harsher solutions like paint thinner or trimming the carpet. Master how to get latex paint out of carpet to enjoy clean carpeting once again.

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