If you have arachnophobia or a fear of spiders, the last thing you want to see are tiny black dots crawling – baby spiders! You need to know how to get rid of baby spiders when you see them. The worst thing about baby spiders in the house, aside from the sheer number of them, is they seem to be indestructible.
Stomping them with your shoes doesn’t do much, and they are so small you cannot successfully pick them up and move them.One thing you may notice is that as summer ends and autumn begins, the number of spiders you see increases. This is because male spiders are on the move for a mate, so they venture into homes to find one.
Once they find a mate inside your home, that is when your spider problem truly begins. House spiders are mostly harmless; the only two species you need to worry about are black widows and brown recluses, but the last thing you want to deal with is an infestation of any kind. To prevent infestations and spider bites, employ some spider control.

Practical Tips to Get Rid of Baby Spiders in the House
Getting Rid of Baby Spiders with Sticky Pads
A simple but effective method for getting rid of baby spiders is with sticky pads you purchase at hardware or big-box retail stores. To use sticky pads, lay them out in the areas you have seen spider activity and sit back and wait.
As the baby spiders crawl over the sticky pads, they get stuck on the adhesive. The only work you need to do is checking the pads and throwing them out once full. Replace pads as necessary until all spiders are gone.
Vacuum Up Baby Spiders in the House
Another simple method to get rid of baby spiders inside the house is with a vacuum cleaner. You could use a broom and a dustpan, but those are not as effective as the vacuum. If using a broom, sweep up the spiders and deposit them outside.
If vacuuming, don’t put your vacuum away without first emptying it. If you leave the bag or canister as is, spiders can crawl out into the closet.
For optimal results, use this method in conjunction with other tips and recipes we provide. You can also use your vacuum to remove egg sacs, old spider webs, and spider eggs.
How to Kill Baby Spiders with Sprays
Use a chemical spray to kill spiders on contact or to spray areas they frequent to kill them the next time they come into contact with the chemical. If chemical sprays aren’t your first choice, consider making your spray using eucalyptus oil for spiders. Essential oils are so popular because they’re natural but work to repel these critters.
Add water to a spray bottle and drop in 20 drops of your choice of essential oil. You can use a single scent or mix a few scents to create your blend. The critical part to remember is these are the best smells that repel spiders.
Spray all of the crevices around your home, including baseboards where spiders are known to hide. Other ways to deter spiders include using white vinegar directly on any spiders you see. You can also place walnuts, chestnuts, or the fruit from the Osage tree in corners or on windowsills to deter them.
Use Diatomaceous Earth Inside and Outside Your Home
One of the best ways to kill spiders and discourage arachnids from venturing too close to your house is with diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your home. This fine powder is made from ground up fossils and kills all spider species as it cuts up their underside as they walk across the dust.
Cutting up their underside allows bodily fluids to leak out, which will dry the spider out and kill it. The best part is this doesn’t just prevent spiders; it also helps with cockroaches, too.
Take Care of the Outside Perimeter of Your Home
Use caulk to seal up any cracks or holes you find in your foundation. Cover all of your vents with fine mesh and replace or mend torn window screens to prevent spider’s easy access inside.
Spiders love to hide in woodpiles, compost piles, under rocks, and in shrubs. Clean up vegetation or woodpiles outside your home, so spiders have further to travel to reach your home.
Outdoor lights supply a steady food source for spiders. If you keep your outdoor lights off at night, you draw fewer insects towards your home. The fewer insects around your home, the fewer spiders you will see as there isn’t a handy food source nearby.
Remember, though, that wolf spiders are harmless and are one of the best natural remedies for flies. Consider using a plastic bag to relocate any spiders inside your home to outside.
Call a Professional
Some spider infestations require the work of a professional. If you have a large number of spiders inside your home and you have tried everything you can find on how to get rid of spiders, it’s time to call in a professional exterminator. Pest control specialists can use professional pesticides that are stronger than anything you can make or buy yourself.
As these chemicals may require you to leave the premises of your home for an extended time, they should be a last resort. Spider repellents or relocating spiders outside are by far the best options to use inside your home.

Thank you for reading all about how to kill baby spiders. If you have found any of our baby spider killing tips or recipes helpful, please take a minute to share with your friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest so they can also learn how to get rid of baby spiders.