Few things smell worse than cat urine odor, and it’s tough to get rid of once it happens. Fear not; we’ve put together a super list to help you learn how to get rid of cat urine smell outside and keep it away.
Discover how to neutralize and destroy unwelcome animal urine smells and pick up tips for preventative measures. Cat urine is a mixture of water, uric acid, proteins, and ammonia. Male cats that aren’t neutered have high levels of hormones and pheromones in their urine.
If the stain wasn’t bad enough, once cat urine dries and decomposes, it releases thiols, or alcohols, making the smell even more unbearable. The scent attracts multiple cats back to the spraying location to continue the cycle.

Find Out How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell Outside
Cat behavior leans toward territorial, especially for those that spend a great deal of time outside. Since cat pee is identifiable to other neighborhood felines from blocks away, it’s not easy to get rid of. It takes skill and a bit of elbow grease, but these tips and tricks to eliminate cat spray smell outside will give you a serious head start on the problem.
We have some great DIY techniques and plenty of useful tricks to learn how to get rid of cat urine smell outside. Take back your yard from neighborhood cats with these safe, effective strategies.
There will be no need to try a way to scare stray cats away with these simple solutions. They’ll look elsewhere to take care of their business.
Let’s Begin with Baking Soda
Before you reach for the bleach, it’s important to note that you should never use cleaning products that contain chlorine bleach to clean urine. All urine contains ammonia, and chlorine bleach reacts with ammonia to make noxious gasses. In small, airless spaces, this poses a health risk.
Cat pee, specifically that of unfixed male cats, contains a cocktail of organic compounds and pheromones that are hard to eradicate if left untreated. Over time, chemical reactions cause the urine to decompose and invite bacteria, which creates that stale urine smell. Fortunately, a sprinkle of baking soda goes a long way to eliminate cat smell in your house or outside near the deck or patio.
Baking soda’s natural gift is its alkaline properties and ability to neutralize acid, specifically the uric acid in cat pee. We recommend the “sprinkle and sit” method to get rid of cat pee smell in dormat or other areas; blot all the urine with a paper towel, lightly dust baking soda over the pet stain, and let it sit for about a half-hour.
Vacuum everything thoroughly. For fabric, carpet, or other fibers, scrub the area with club soda, sprinkle baking soda and let it sit. Vacuum as usual, and be sure to empty the bin afterward.
How to Get Rid of Cat Urine Smell Outside with Dish Soap
Dish soap has a lot of broad applications; it’s gentle enough to clean animal feathers and ruthless enough to work on grease and oil. Dish soap even does a great job of getting rid of dog poop smell in your yard and cutting through cat pee odors, and works well against pet urine on hard outdoor surfaces.
If you notice a fresh puddle, get a paper towel and absorb as much of the animal urine as possible. Keep the urine from soaking into porous surfaces and degrading into that familiar pet odor.
Fill a bucket with water and a tablespoon or two of dish soap, pour it over the affected area, rinse, and repeat. Use cold water; it seems counterintuitive, but resist the temptation to use scalding hot water as it only makes the smell worse.
Try White Vinegar for Pet Smells
Conquering pet urine smell is like a science experiment; it’s all about neutralizing or adding acid, as the situation requires. Distilled white vinegar is highly acidic and kills the bacteria thriving in dried animal urine. With the bacteria gone, the smell goes with them.
To destroy cat odor outside and make an odor eliminator for cat smell, get a spray bottle and mix vinegar and water at a 1:1 ratio. Spray the urine stain and blot with a paper towel or washable cloth. This method is ideal for any dry stain that’s been sitting unnoticed. It works for cat or dog urine and is safe for fabric and carpet.
Hydrogen Peroxide Spot Treatment
Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent follow-up to white vinegar or a stand-alone remedy for your pet pee problem. Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent that blasts away the strong smell of ammonia left behind by animal urine. It works great on wood surfaces like the deck or porch, and it’s simple to use.
Pour hydrogen peroxide straight on the stain, let it sit for five minutes, and wipe away. Repeat this spot treatment as required on outdoor rubber mats, around ceramic plant pots, or anywhere else you notice a problem. Hydrogen peroxide shouldn’t be used for carpet cleaning as it’s known to lighten fibers.
Make a DIY Neutralizer
We can’t blame animals for being attracted to the scent; it’s what they do. We can, however, take steps to banish the smell and remove temptation. Eliminate the lingering organic compounds hanging around on your house siding, deck, or front porch. Baking soda is one of the unsung heroes and home remedies to keep cats away from a pee spot. Discover how to get rid of cat pee smell outside with this handy DIY neutralizer.
Use the funnel to help get the baking soda into the narrow opening of the spray bottle. Add hydrogen peroxide, or fill your spray bottle halfway to avoid the mixture bubbling over. Gently swirl the mixture together. Don’t shake it vigorously or risk a fizzy baking soda volcano.
Use newspaper, a washable cloth, or a paper towel to soak up excess urine, spray the area well with the neutralizer and let it sit. This method is the best way to remove cat urine smell from surfaces, not fabrics, as hydrogen peroxide will whiten fibers. Keep an eye on commonly frequented areas of your yard, and apply the neutralizer regularly.
Eliminate Cat Spray Smell Outside with Enzyme Cleaner
Enzymes are proteins that accelerate chemical reactions. Enzyme cleaners are full of beneficial bacteria that break down and destroy stubborn organic materials found in urine and feces. A good enzymatic cleaner works to eliminate cat spray smell outside by breaking the stubborn uric acid into gasses that evaporate easily.
Use enzyme cleaners on any washable surface as an incredibly effective odor remover and deep cleaning agent. Enzyme cleaners are non-toxic, a permanent solution, and likely the best weapon we have to get rid of cat pee smell outside. Studies indicate they’re unlikely to irritate humans or animals.
Try a DIY Deterrent
Once you’ve wiped out the stains and the smell, it’s essential to implement a prevention plan. Use this DIY cat repellent to deter unwanted visitors from high traffic and outdoor areas.
Some people use irritating agents like mothballs or cayenne pepper, which are harmful and sometimes fatal to cats, but we prefer a more natural approach. Remember that while these animals are a nuisance, they are likely someone’s pet, and safety is still important.
To make your own cat urine enzyme cleaner, begin by cutting all the oranges in half and squeezing the juice. Scoop the orange pulp from the orange peels, and chop the peels into small pieces. Bring a medium-sized cooking pot of water to a boil, then add the orange bits. Allow the orange peels to simmer for about 15 minutes. Enjoy a nice fresh glass of orange juice before proceeding.
Chop and juice the lemons, and add the juice to the spray bottle, along with a teaspoon of scented dish soap. Allow the orange liquid to cool, strain out the big pieces, and pour straight into the spray bottle. Give everything a good shake, and apply liberally to popular areas known to the local cats, like the patio furniture, deck railings, and front steps.
These helpful tips apply to your own cat as well. However, it’s important to note that urinating away from the cat litter box often indicates a urinary tract infection or other potential medical issues such as kidney disease, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism. Take your furry friend to the local vet if you notice cat urine where it shouldn’t be.
We hope you’re pleased with these tips for how to get rid of cat urine smell outside and feel ready to tackle even the toughest urine odor. Preventing and deterring curious cats saves your patience.
Invest in a good upholstery cleaning or carpet cleaner to remove deep-down stains and odors. Use a hand-held black light to spot problem areas invisible to the eye and keep up with regular, non-toxic repellent applications. You have the power to eliminate cat spray smell outside and keep it away.

If you enjoyed learning how to get rid of cat urine smell outside, share these tips with a friend on Pinterest or Facebook who needs help conquering cat pee in the backyard.