Skunks are not picky about where they live, and we see them strolling areas of both the countryside and city. Unfortunately, dogs are curious by nature, and spotting a skunk nearby often leads to disaster. We show you how to get rid of skunk smell on your dog in a few simple steps.
Skunks are cute at a far distance, but all dog owners agree that an encounter with these furry critters is not advisable. Try telling that to your pooch.
During the day, these black and white striped animals hide in burrows, and being disturbed by a nosy dog causes them to react defensively with a spray of skunk odor that permeates the air and your dog’s coat.
While cleaning the skunk smell off your dog is relatively easy, it is not necessarily a fun task. Expect to annoy your furry-faced friend and anticipate the possibility of getting splashed and splattered.
That said, it is a necessary chore to remove the foul odor and restore that all too familiar dog-smell.

- Ways to Get Rid of Skunk Smell on Your Dog
Ways to Get Rid of Skunk Smell on Your Dog
While we often think of tomato juice as the best way to get rid of skunk smell, this is actually a myth. We show you how to clean your dog’s fur after getting skunked using home remedies and commercial products.
Remedies for Skunk Smell on Dogs
There are a few remedies for skunk smell on dogs, and some of them work better than others.
Whether you decide to use a commercial skunk removing solution or a homemade version is up to you. However, some cleaners do not work, and others are harmful.
Skunk Smell Remedies
There are many different types of remedies for eliminating a skunk smell on your pets.
Some of them, such as tomato juice, are a popular choice, but many are a myth and don’t quite do the job you expect. Regular shampoo and hot water are not strong enough to counteract the smell.
Bleach is a liquid we commonly think of for killing germs and getting rid of foul odors. While this chemical works well to remove skunk smell from surfaces, it is dangerous to use on animals.
If you’re unsure what to use to eliminate skunk smells, consider taking a trip to a pet supply store where there are many commercial cleaners available.
If you prefer to use a homemade solution, the humane society recommends using 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to strip the oil from your pet’s coat and neutralize the odor.
Chemist Paul Krebaum discovered this remedy, and it neutralizes the odor by changing the odorous thiols into odorless acids.
What to Do before De-Skunking Your Dog
Before you even start the process of getting rid of skunk smell on dog, there are a couple of steps to take to make the task more comfortable, less stressful, and messy and ensures you do the job right the first-time.
De-Skunk Preparation
Check your dog for injuries, and then find a safe place to keep your pet outside while setting up the dog-cleaning station.
It’s preferable to clean them outside, but if you have to do it indoors, make sure to open windows and set up a fan. Gather all of your items, including a skunk removal solution, dog shampoo, sponge, gloves, and other necessities.
Preparing and Getting Rid of Skunk Smell on Dog
Before lathering up your pup with shampoo and getting rid of skunk smell on dog, prepare for the upcoming process by protecting yourself and your dog from further problems.
Prepare for the upcoming chore by putting on old clothing and a pair of rubber gloves. Use a paper towel to wipe down all areas of your dog’s fur, from front to back and top to bottom, to remove excess skunk oil.
Pay special attention to the face. If you notice your pet’s eyes are irritated, perform an eyewash by flushing them with cool water. Before treating your pet, place one to two drops of mineral oil into each of your dog’s eyes to protect them from accidental splashes.
How to Get Rid of Skunk Smell on Your Dog
If you opt to make a homemade skunk removing solution, try using a peroxide mixture with baking soda and liquid soap. This combination is the perfect remedy for getting that nasty skunk smell out of your dog’s skin and fur.
To remove skunk smell, combine the peroxide, baking soda, regular laundry detergent, or dish detergent into a bucket and mix it well. Do not get your dog wet beforehand.
Instead, use a sponge or cloth to apply the solution directly to their fur. Massage it over their entire body by starting at the head and working your way down to the tail.
Do not leave the liquid on your dog for too long to prevent their fur from bleaching, and rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Repeat the steps if the stench remains. If you prefer not to use these ingredients, clean your pup with a half cup of white vinegar and a gallon of water.
Mix this remedy in a spray bottle to eliminate skunk odor in the house if your dog accidentally “spread the stink” before you could catch him.
Bathing Your Dog after De-Skunking
After using the skunk remover solution, we advise washing your furry friend with pet shampoo to remove any lingering odors and residue to leave your pet’s coat soft and shiny, with a fresh scent. It’s also a great opportunity to utilize a homemade tick bath for dogs after you remove the unwelcome smell.
Once you complete the process of using a skunk smell remover, it’s time to clean away the residue. Get your dog wet with warm water and apply your favorite brand of dog shampoo to their coat.
Work it into a lather from head to tail, and rinse their fur completely with clean water. Take advantage of bath time to use a natural dog ear cleaner. Use a towel to dry them and use the sniff test to ensure all of the odor is gone.
Using Commercial Products to Remove Skunk Smell from Your Dog
If you don’t have the right ingredients or time to make a homemade skunk removing shampoo, consider purchasing a commercial product.
There are many available, and they’re simple to find at your local store or online. However, it’s best to purchase this ahead of time to have it at-the-ready in case of skunk accidents.
Apply an enzyme cleaner, such as Nature’s Miracle Skunk Odor Remover, to your dog according to the directions. Spray the liquid over their fur or apply it to a rag and wipe it on, and set the closed container aside.
Most cleaners recommend leaving the solution on your pet for five minutes before rinsing it away. Follow up by washing your dog with pet shampoo.
Tips to Help Your Dog Avoid a Skunk Encounter
Having to use commercial or homemade remedies for skunk smell on dogs once is one time too many, in our opinion. Here are several ways to keep skunks out of your yard and prevent an encounter from reoccurring.
Skunks spray a horrific scent out of their anal glands when startled, so keeping them away from your home is the best defense.
Natural ways to get rid of skunks are the easiest solution. These critters stay away from areas where they smell predator urine, and since you already have a dog, allowing them to mark their territory is a great way to repel skunks from your yard.
Another way to keep these pests out of your yard and a natural skunk repellent safe for dogs is to install motion lights. Skunks are nocturnal and light-sensitive, and the bright lights activate as they walk through your yard, forcing them to find a more suitable home.
Some animals are best left alone, no matter how adorable they are. Unfortunately, dogs do not understand this concept and often end up covered in the stench of skunk spray.
This smell is undeniably one of the worst, but not impossible to remove, as long as you use the right solutions.

Now that you know how to get rid of skunk smell on your dog so cuddle-time is stink-free, why not share our skunk odor removal tips and methods with the dog-lovers in your life on Pinterest and Facebook?