Super glue is the next best thing to Velcro and duct tape, but this amazing glue is nowhere as simple to remove. It sticks to everything, including your skin, and once it’s stuck, it’s stuck. Learn how to get super glue off your hands using a few simple home remedies.
It’s easy to get caught up in a DIY project, not knowing that your fingers have a layer of crazy glue on them. Only when you feel them stick together do you realize you have a problem.
Dried glue on your hands is especially concerning if you have dry skin or sensitive skin. While experiencing a moment of panic after accidentally getting super glue on your hands is a reasonable reaction, it’s not as bad as you think.

- How to Remove Super Glue from Hands
- Gently Scrubbing Away Super Glue with Soapy Water
- Remove Super Glue from Hands with Fingernail Polish Remover
- Removing Super Glue from Hands with Baking Soda
- Getting Super Glue off Hands using Petroleum Jelly
- Here is How to Get Super Glue off Your Hands with a Salt Rub
- Removing Super Glue from Your Hands with Cooking Oil
- Get Super Glue off Your Hands with Lemon Juice
- Remove Super Glue from Your Hands with WD-40
- How to Prevent Super Glue from Getting on Your Hands
How to Remove Super Glue from Hands
There are many ways to remove this stubborn glue. In fact, you probably have a safe and effective glue remover in your home right now.
While others may chuckle at your mishap, getting super glue stuck on your hands is not much fun if you are on the receiving end. We show you how to get the glue off of your skin using several methods, from basic to advanced.
Gently Scrubbing Away Super Glue with Soapy Water
If the glue accident is fresh and it’s not completely dry, a good old fashioned soak is the way to go, whether removing sticky stuff from your hands or to get Super Glue off glasses. The combination of warm water and liquid soap softens the glue for smooth removal.
Choose a large container to fit your hand in and fill it with warm or hot water. Add a few squirts of hand soap or laundry detergent and soak your hand in the soapy liquid for several minutes to soften the glue.
Use an old toothbrush with medium bristles to gently scrub the affected area until all glue bits are free from your skin. Rinse your hand under cool water and pat it dry.
Soap and water are the first choice for removing super glue from clothes, too.
Remove Super Glue from Hands with Fingernail Polish Remover
What takes super glue off your hands? Fingernail polish that contains acetone is a useful tool to remove super glue from hands or to get Gorilla Glue off nails. Acetone is a solvent that dissolves paint, adhesive, and other substances.
To get super glue off fingers, pour nail polish remover into a bowl or container that is large enough to accommodate your hand. For sensitive skin, dilute the acetone with water. If you’d rather not use acetone, try using rubbing alcohol as a substitute.
Place your hand in the liquid, making sure the affected skin is submerged, and let it soak for about three minutes.
Rub the area with a cotton swab or cotton ball to remove the glue, and then wash your hand with warm water and gentle soap to rinse away the acetone.
Try this remedy to get food coloring off your hands, too. You may be surprised at the excellent results.
Removing Super Glue from Hands with Baking Soda
Baking soda is an excellent alternative to using chemicals for removing glue from your skin. It is a natural alkaline powder with mild abrasive qualities, and combining it with olive oil creates the perfect super glue remover and for getting dried glue off your skin or countertops.
To get super glue off skin, combine enough baking soda and olive oil in a container to form a thick paste. Use a cotton swab to rub the paste over the glue and let it sit for about five minutes. Use the fine edge of a fingernail file to pull the adhesive away from your skin gently.
If it is still stuck hard, add more paste and wait another five minutes. After you remove the glue, wash your hand with warm soapy water to clean away the oil and soda, and pat it dry with a towel.
Getting Super Glue off Hands using Petroleum Jelly
Harsh chemicals are not necessary for getting super glue off hands or to remove hair dye from hands. Petroleum jelly works by getting between the glue and your skin for quick removal, and there is probably a jar in your medicine cabinet.
Apply a decent amount of petroleum jelly to the dried glue on your hand and rub it into the surface for a few minutes. If you do not have Vaseline, try using lotion.
Continue rubbing the area while gently pulling the glue away from your hand. Do not force it away from your skin to prevent skin damage. Wash your hand with soap and water to clean away residue and pat it dry with a towel.
This technique is useful to get super glue off glass surface, as well. Be sure to eliminate the grease completely with the soap and water after removing the glue.
Here is How to Get Super Glue off Your Hands with a Salt Rub
Salt is a must-have for seasoning your food, and it’s also useful to clean super glue off hands. The mild abrasive action of the salt, combined with warm water, gently scrubs away the bond from your skin.
To remove Gorilla Glue from skin or super glue, pour equal amounts water and salt into a container and stir it to form a paste. Rub the salty paste continually over the patch of glue for about two minutes to gently scrape away the dried bits.
After the adhesive is gone, rinse your hand under cool water and dry it with a towel.
Removing Super Glue from Your Hands with Cooking Oil
Cooking oil is a handy solution for getting glue off of hands. It loosens the glue’s grip from your skin, making it comfortable to peel away, and any type of oil works, including olive oil, coconut oil, or standard vegetable oil.
Fill a container large enough for your hand with warm water and then soak it in the liquid for a few minutes to soften the glue. Remove your hand, dry it with a towel, and then pour oil liberally over the affected spot.
Rub the area with your fingers while gently using your fingernails to scrape away bits of stuck adhesive. Once the bond is gone, wash your hand with warm soapy water to clean away the oil and glue and dry it with a soft towel.
Get Super Glue off Your Hands with Lemon Juice
Many citrus juices work well at getting super glue off hands, but lemon juice is the most effective. It has acidic properties that break down the adhesive from your hands and fingers.
Pour enough lemon juice into a container to cover your skin’s affected area and soak your hand in the liquid for five to ten minutes.
If your skin is sensitive, try using one part lemon juice and one part water. Use a pumice stone to scrub away the softened Krazy Glue and hold your hand under cool water to rinse away the adhesive bits and lemon juice.
Remove Super Glue from Your Hands with WD-40
WD-40 is a popular item in the home and toolbox simply because it has so many purposes. This lubricant is exceptionally effective at removing everything from stickers and gum to sap and super glue.
If you have a thick patch of Loctite glue on your hand, sand the patch as close to your skin as feasible with fine-grit sandpaper before treating it. Spray the glued area with WD-40 and let it sit for a couple of minutes.
Use a fingernail file to gently scrape away bits of glue until it is all gone. Wash your hand with warm, soapy water to clean away residue, and dry it with a clean towel.
How to Prevent Super Glue from Getting on Your Hands
How does the saying go? Oh yes, never make the same mistake twice. So, here are a few ways to prevent getting super glue, or cyanoacrylate glue, on your hands during your next craft or home improvement project.
The best form of prevention is to wear gloves. However, this often makes doing delicate projects difficult, so choosing the best-fitting gloves is essential.
Some gloves, such as latex, tend to break down after getting too much glue on them, so choose them wisely.
Consider applying barrier cream to your hands before working with super glue. This cream creates a barrier between your skin and the glue and effectively prevents sticky mishaps.
If you do have an accidental spill on your hands, soak them in a container of warm soapy water immediately to make the job of removal easier. Follow up by using one of our recommended glue removal methods.
Getting super glue on your hands is a common mistake, no matter how careful you are. Luckily, this problem is easy to rectify in a matter of minutes using common household ingredients such as laundry detergent and lotion, a little bit of hot water, and patience.

Now that you know how to get super glue off your hands with simple solutions, why not share our super glue removal tips with your circle of friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest?