Unwanted grass can be a pain to remove, but when it starts to pop up in a gravel driveway, you’ve got to contend with a whole other mess. These unsightly mounds of grass that creep up through the gravel can be difficult to remove but not impossible. We’ll show you how to remove grass from a gravel driveway using some of the most effective methods.
Grass and garden weeds can crop up from just about anywhere. They spread by reseeding, so any area that has loose topsoil is an invitation for it to grow, whether that is in a cracked stone driveway, gravel pathway, parking lots, or in a gravel drive.
Gravel areas are easy targets for grass and weed seeds to take root because there are gaps and openings between the rocks that lead to the soil.

Removing Grass from a Gravel Driveway
There are many natural ways to kill grass and prevent weed growth without using grass killers like Roundup that contain glyphosate and other harmful herbicides. Understanding which method works for your situation is the first step to removing and preventing grass, dandelions, and other weeds from sprouting in your driveway.
To get rid of weeds naturally without killing grass growing where you want it to, consider where the weeds are and what method will work best in your situation. You may even think about using more than one solution to eliminate the problem.
Remove Grass from the Yard and Driveway
White vinegar contains acetic acid, which kills the cells in weeds and grass. Using dish soap in combination with the vinegar helps the solution adhere to the plant, giving it more time to work. Here is how to remove grass from the yard or driveway and for killing dandelions in lawn with vinegar.
To make this simple yet effective natural quack grass killer, fill a garden sprayer or a spray bottle with white vinegar and add a couple of drops of dish soap. Spray an even layer of herbicide onto the blades of grass and weeds until they are saturated.
Make sure to initiate this method on a day without any wind to prevent spraying nearby desirable plants and vegetation. Ideally, rain should not be present for several days after spraying, too.
Best Way to Remove Grass Permanently
The best way to remove grass permanently is to pull it by hand. Doing this ensures that both the grass and its roots are gone, which prevents the grass from growing back.
To use one of the best home remedies to kill grass and get rid of it entirely, pierce the tip of the spade down into the ground on the outside edge of the grass clump. Repeat in a new section until you have gone around the perimeter of the grass or weed.
While wearing gloves, grab hold of the weed at the base and pull the grass and roots out of the ground with gentle force. Shake off any gravel that may be imbedded in the roots.
Use the spade to remove all of the roots. Place the weeds, grass, and roots into the bucket and dispose of it. Pack the dirt down and cover with the driveway gravel.
Get Rid of Weeds and Grass from the Driveway
Remove clumps of grass that have sprouted up in the gravel driveway using boiling water. The hot water will turn the grass blades brown and eventually kill the grassroots. Here’s how to permanently get rid of weeds in the driveway using only water.
Boil a large pan of water and carefully pour the boiling water into a watering can. Carry the can outside before it has a chance to cool down and use it to water all of the grassy areas that you want to eliminate. Repeat once a day until the grass has withered, turned brown, and died.
If you have shady areas of your driveway, you may not only have a problem with grass and weeds but moss, too. Getting rid of moss in yard areas or the driveway is simple with boiling water.
Getting Rid of Grass in a Long Gravel Driveway
If you have a long driveway with random patches of grass trying to take over, you can perform a ‘slow kill’ by flame weeding. A few passes of a propane torch not only cause the grass blades to wither, but it destroys the roots, as well.
Torching Grass
Follow the instructions on your propane torch and make a pass from one end of the driveway to the other. Use a slow walk to provide heat to the grass without turning it to ash. If one application of heat doesn’t work, repeat these steps in the following days.
Killing Grass in the Driveway with Salt
Table salt is a handy tool for killing grass and weeds. Be careful when using salt to eliminate grass because it will also damage any nearby plants and vegetation.
Combine the water and salt in a bucket and stir until the salt dissolves. Table salt and rock salt are both useful for this method.
Pour the salty water into a watering can and pour the solution directly onto the areas of grass and weeds. The grass will begin to wither pretty quickly, but it could take up to ten days for it to die.
While not really a natural weed and grass removal method, you can also take care of your greenery problem by using bleach to kill weeds. However, ensure that any runoff will not affect waterways or other plants you want to preserve.
Preventing Grass and Weeds in a Gravel Driveway
The best thing to do to prevent weeds and grass from growing up through your gravel driveway is to take preventative steps before laying the gravel.
Gravel Driveway Grass Prevention
Before you place any gravel down in the driveway, remove existing weeds by using one of our other methods. After weeding the area, lay sheets of landscaping fabric along the entire section of the driveway and then cover it with gravel. Place mulch over the top of the landscaping fabric before adding the gravel to strengthen the weed control further.
Small clumps of grass growing here and there in your driveway may seem like no big deal, but after a couple of years, you will end up with a long gravel driveway that no longer resembles a driveway.
Knowing how to permanently get rid of weeds in driveway using the right methods now will prevent the grass from coming back so that you can keep your driveway instead of converting it to a gravelly grass meadow.

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