Nothing shakes off the winter blues like springtime, with its longer days and warmer weather. Yet, it’s also the time for flower pollen which sticks
Smart Laundry Tricks and Tips
We know that there is much more to doing laundry than simply tossing the clothes into the washer and dryer. While this works for cleaning everyday items that are lightly dirty, it doesn’t always work to remove tough stains. Washing a shirt stained with ketchup or chocolate in hot water and drying it with high heat leaves your clothes with a permanent stain. High temperatures also have a way of shrinking your favorite pair of jeans. We put together the necessary information to help you treat fabric stains of all types and ways to keep your clothing in tip-top shape.
Discover a range of DIY dry cleaning tips and laundry solutions to get your clothes clean and maintain their original shape. Learn how to make a homemade stain remover using white vinegar, mild dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide to remove all laundry stain types, from blueberry, ketchup, and grass to oil, deodorant, bleach, and coffee. We also have a home remedy to shrink clothing that is too large or stretch clothes after accidental shrinkage, whether they are wool, rayon, denim, or a hat.
How to Get Dog Hair Out of the Laundry
Contrary to popular belief, washing your clothes isn’t enough to remove pet hair from your clothes. Dog or cat hair that gets washed with your
How to Unshrink Cotton
You toss a new article of clothing into the washer and dryer and discover while folding laundry that something went terribly wrong. Your new favorite
How to Stretch Pants
You slip your legs into your favorite jeans or pair of pants, only to discover that you cannot get them up above your hips. Sometimes
How to Make a Shirt Bigger
Women’s clothing is expensive, and the sizing is never the same at any store. Ordering online is virtually impossible. But learning how to make a
How to Stretch a Hat
Adding an accessory to an outfit is a fun way to add flair to your style. Hats are an accessory that offers flair as well
How to Unshrink Wool
Shrinking a sweater or other garments made with merino wool, or any other type of wool is startlingly easy to do. It doesn’t take much,
How to Unshrink a Sweater
There’s always that one sweater you forget to take out of the dryer early, or a stray piece of clothing mixed in with shirts requiring
How to Unshrink Rayon
Slipping on your favorite piece of clothing and discovering it no longer fits is disappointing. Rayon materials shrink quickly if not washed by hand or
Homemade Pet Stain Remover
Although we love our pets, the last thing any of us want is our home smelling like a litter box. Being a pet owner means
How to Wash Stuffed Animals
Stuffed animals are the delight of almost every little kid. They take these toys everywhere and do virtually everything with them. Occasionally, these stuffed animals
How to Remove Bleach Stains
Bleach is known for its strong cleaning powers that can deal with harmful bacteria and germs. Unfortunately, no matter how careful you are, there is
How To Remove Coffee Stains From White Shirt Sleeves?
How to remove coffee stains from white shirt sleeves? I swear I don’t know how my husband manages to get coffee on all his work
Using Vinegar in Laundry
Vinegar was discovered more than 10,000 years ago, and since then, it has found a variety of uses from household chores to cooking. It has
How to Remove Tomato Ketchup Stains from Clothes
Can you tell me how to remove tomato ketchup stains from clothes? I’m a new stepmom with little kids who love hot dogs and pizza.
What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Deodorant Stains On Black Shirts?
My teenage son wears nothing but black t-shirts and he overdoes it with the rollon. What is the best way to get rid of deodorant
How to Get Grass Stains Out of Clothes
I have my niece and nephew for the summer. They love playing outdoors. But now I need to know how to get grass stains out
How to Remove Deodorant Stains
There are very few things that are worse than going to put on your favorite white shirt in the morning, only to notice the ugly
How to Get Oil Out of Clothes
Have you ever stained your clothes? Usually, you can just throw your clothes in the wash, but greasy, oily stains may require more care to
How to Remove Blueberry Stains
Since 1916, when the first commercial crop of highbush blueberries was sold in Whitesbog, NJ, people have been enjoying the taste and many health benefits
How to Remove Tomato Stains
Tomato stains are the pits. Whether it’s a health drink at breakfast or spaghetti sauce from dinner, the stain left behind on your favorite garment
How to Remove Grass Stains
Whether you’re a parent, a competitive soccer player, or someone who enjoys taking walks in the park, you need to know how to remove grass
How to Remove Tea Stains
You may not think that spilling a bit of tea is a big deal, but trying to remove them from your clothing, upholstery, or carpeting
How to Remove Mustard Stains
Mustard is easily one of the most popular condiments for summertime BBQs, as well as being one of the most annoying stains to remove from
Can I Dry Clean At Home Without Special Equipment?
Can I dry clean at home without special equipment? Are there clothes that say “dry clean only” but I can wash them in water anyway?
What is the Best Way to Sort Laundry?
I hate washing clothes. It takes forever. And I always end up with dingy-looking socks and underwear or pink things instead of white things. What
How Can You Dry Clean at Home?
Dry cleaning is so expensive! I don’t have the money to spend on it every week. But if I let things build up, it’s worse.
Can I Dry Clean Pants at Home?
I just started a new job and had to buy a bunch of nicer clothes. After I bought them, I realized that all the slacks
How to Separate Laundry
When you were younger, your parents or caretakers probably did the laundry. As you grew up, laundry responsibilities fell to your shoulders. For some, learning
How to Dry Clean at Home
Nothing is worse than buying the perfect outfit only to realize that it is meant to dry clean only. When you try to clean this