Insect pests enjoy munching away on your favorite plants, while pollinators love dancing from flower to flower. But, some insects provide a benefit to the
Smart Insect Control Tips for Helpful and Annoying Bugs
Insects are a necessary part of nature, but sometimes they destroy plants, get into the house, and bite or sting you. A quick web search shows you that there is a ton of information about insect control, which is often confusing since some products work well for crawling bugs while others are more suited for flying insects. We simplify it for you by explaining how to get rid of pests based on type, whether indoors or outdoors. Discover the differences between annoying or destructive bugs and beneficial insects and the steps to take to eliminate unwanted pests and attract the good ones.
A day spent outdoors is not much fun if you're constantly swatting away mosquitoes, flies, and bees. While products that contain DEET help keep them away, they are not safe for infants and young children. Find out how to make natural remedies to repel these insects using everything from Neem oil, garlic, and citronella to lemon balm, tea tree oil, and vinegar, and ways to make traps as a form of insect control. Learn which annual and perennial plants deter common pests and attract pollinators and beneficial bugs.
Plants for Beneficial Insects
Many of us feel disgust or even fear when we see insects scuttle or creep past. When you think of insects in the garden, you
Natural Insect Repellent
While there are many commercial products on the market today that can help you ward off bugs and prevent bug bites, they often contain some