Clever Tricks and Tips for Home Mite Control
You’ve probably heard of mites at some point in your life, but did you know there is more than one type? There are dust mites, bed mites, grain mites, wood mites, clover mites, soil mites, mold mites, spider mites, and thousands of other types of mites. They are small arachnids that thrive in specific conditions and are close cousins of spiders and ticks. Some of them are so tiny that you’re not even aware of their presence. Because they are just about everywhere, from your skin to infested food, we put together a range of mite control information to help you kill them on contact and prevent an infestation.
Mites are not only disgusting because of their size and living habits, but they also cause allergic reactions in certain people. It’s vital to use proper mite control methods if you or a family member has allergies. Learn how to kill mites with high temperatures, baking soda, bleach, and white vinegar, and make insect spray with essential oils. Discover the importance of using HEPA filters in your home and controlling humidity levels as forms of mite prevention.