Whether you grew up in a part of the world where snakes are a constant threat or the idea of seeing a snake immediately fills
Controlling Snakes in the Yard - Tips and Tricks

Snakes are bad enough if you grew up in an area where you see them now and then, but discovering a snake on your property when you’re not accustomed to them can send you screaming in the opposite direction. While most, like grass snakes and hognose snakes, are harmless and beneficial to have in your yard, there are times when snake control is necessary, especially if you have a phobia. We put together tips and information to help you with all of your snake pest control needs.
There is nothing more alarming than seeing a long slithering snake out of the corner of your eye while performing yard maintenance. There are so many types of snakes, small and large, non-venomous and venomous, that it’s often hard to tell which ones are harmless and which ones to steer clear of. Discover a selection of natural snake control methods to help you get rid of them around your property. Learn how to use the smell of mothballs, garlic, vinegar, and essential oils as a DIY repellent and grow plants to deter snakes from the yard. Find easy ways to keep them away by eliminating their food sources and hiding spots.
How to Keep Snakes Away
There is almost nothing more upsetting than working out in your garden or yard and being surprised by a snake that has taken up residence