How does companion planting work? I need a better strategy for my garden next year. I want to use as little pesticide as possible. Gina
The Best Companion Plants

Before you start planting just about anything in the garden, did you know that some plants get along better than others? Some vegetables and fruits grow better when other veggies, herbs, and flowers grow beside them. This growing method is called companion planting. Companion plants are beneficial to each other's growth, protect each other from harmful insects, and tall plants offer shorter vegetation shade. There are some, like cabbage, soybeans, broccoli, and cucumber, that are better off being separate in the garden.
There is plenty of gardening information on how to grow a garden, but not as much talk about growing companion plants. Discover how to use companion planting for your next gardening project to ensure all plants thrive and produce good results. Learn which plants are ideal for protecting others from the heat of the sun, great for deterring pests while attracting beneficial insects, and excellent for protecting from disease. Find out which veggies to avoid planting next to each other since they interfere with healthy growth in roots and foliage and may cause an infestation of cabbage worms, flea beetles, and other nasty bugs.
Companion Planting
When you are trying to plant a successful vegetable garden, growing certain plants together, a practice known as companion planting, has numerous benefits for your