If you’ve grown plants before, you know that the road to harvesting produce is not always smooth. Sometimes called pieplant, rhubarb is a cold-hardy perennial
Awesome Strategies for Growing Rhubarb at Home

If you grew up in the country, you probably have childhood memories of picking rhubarb and taking it home for your parents to bake into a pie. While these plants have poisonous leaves, the stalks have a tart flavor that is irresistible for making a variety of sweet and savory recipes. This perennial tastes great raw when sprinkled with a bit of sugar, and cooked rhubarb is tender and delicious. If you miss the days of harvesting fresh rhubarb stalks, not to worry. Growing rhubarb is easier than you think, and we put together all the planting information you need to get started.
Explore everything there is to know about growing rhubarb, including ways to prepare for planting by picking a sunny area with fertile soil and when to plant them outdoors. Learn how to start these perennial plants from seeds or crowns and plant them in a garden setting or container. Find out about plant spacing and hilling, water and fertilizer requirements, and common diseases and pests to watch for during the growing season. Determine when and how to harvest your rhubarb and read about tips for storing and cooking your crop.
How to Grow Rhubarb in Containers
Suppose you love picking fresh rhubarb for making desserts and jam but fear that you don’t have the space to grow it at home. Not
Companion Planting Rhubarb
Rhubarb is one of the perennial vegetables often associated with the first harvest of the spring season. Companion planting rhubarb has many gains in the
Swiss Chard vs Rhubarb
Wondering about the Swiss chard vs rhubarb debate is something fans of these vegetables are likely tired of hearing, but the confusion exists with good
How to Harvest Rhubarb
Rhubarb is a highly underrated veggie that many forget to grow in the garden. It suffers from little to no pests, grows for ten years
When to Plant Rhubarb
Rhubarb is a cold-hardy perennial vegetable with edible leaf stalks. It has regained popularity in recent years thanks to its easy care and versatility in
How to Grow Rhubarb
Rhubarb is an easy-to-grow perennial vegetable that produces large, tart, reddish stalks resembling rosy celery. It’s best-known for making sweet jams and baked goods like
How to Grow Rhubarb from Seed
It’s not often you find fresh rhubarb at the grocery store, and frozen or canned rhubarb is not as tasty. However, this plant is relatively
Types of Rhubarb
Rhubarb stalks are one of the few plants that grow in nearly every growing zone. Even if you’re all the way up in Alaska, a
How to Plant Rhubarb
If you’ve ever come across wild rhubarb, you likely have fond memories of picking the stems and taking them home to make a tart rhubarb