Many different types of yams are available, yet all of them are members of the morning glory family. Dioscoreaceae, or true yams, are the best-known
Amazing Yam Growing Tricks and Tips
Depending on the variety, yams have bark-like, brown skin and reddish, purple, or white flesh, and they are a popular staple throughout the USA. Like sweet potatoes, growing yams from slips is easy. All you need is a jar of water and a healthy yam to get started. If you think you don’t have enough space to grow them, think again. These root veggies are simple to grow in a container on your patio as long as you give them proper care. Discover how to grow yams from a yam in a few simple steps so that you get to enjoy a tasty harvest at the end of the growing season.
Learn how to grow sprouts by soaking a yam in water and transplant splits into the garden or pot with the proper depth and spacing. Find plant care information, including water, sun, and soil requirements, to ensure your plants stay healthy and produce delicious yams. Examine which fertilizer is the best for growing yams and pests to watch for as they grow. Explore when and how to harvest your crop after growing yams through the season and tips for curing and storing them to enjoy through the winter.
How to Grow Yams
If you didn’t have candied yams growing up, then you missed out. But, it’s not too late to give them a try. In fact, why