Springtime makes us crazy for fresh veggies, and one of the most exciting things to appear is asparagus. Asparagus spears sometimes have different pigments and
Learning More about Asparagus

There is nothing better than asparagus spears lightly grilled or sauteed with butter and garlic, especially if they are from the garden. These veggies are low in calories and contain fiber and nutrients that are necessary for good health. Unfortunately, they don’t last as long as we’d like after harvesting them or purchasing them from the grocery store. We put together some storage information and answer your questions for ways to keep them fresh as long as possible. Discover how long asparagus lasts and ways to prepare it for the fridge, freezer, or pantry.
There are different types of asparagus, from the typical green variety to purple and white. Unlike other veggies, it is a perennial vegetable that is easy to store using various preservation methods. Learn ways to save fresh spears in the fridge by keeping them in a jar of water or damp paper towel and plastic bag. Discover how to preserve them by canning and a recipe for making pickles. Explore tips for blanching and freezing asparagus for long-term storage and ways to thaw it for your favorite dishes.
How to Tell if Asparagus is Bad
Asparagus only stays in season for a couple of months out of the year. Although it’s one of the more expensive veggies, taking advantage of
How to Preserve Asparagus
There’s nothing better than yummy spring vegetables for dinner. But after four days, fresh asparagus and other veggies must go into storage. Learn how to
Canning Asparagus
As winter melts away, the warming spring sun brings bounties of crisp, green veggies. Asparagus is a dinner favorite that many people wish they could
How Long Does Asparagus Last?
When compared to the price of other common vegetables, asparagus is not a cheap option. Therefore when you buy it, you don’t want any of
How to Pickle Asparagus
The process of growing a vegetable garden rewards you with healthy and tasty veggies, especially a bountiful harvest of fresh asparagus. Canning and pickling asparagus
How to Store Asparagus
What we once considered a delicacy due to its short springtime harvest, asparagus is now a common household veggie that is available all year round.
How to Freeze Asparagus
Asparagus is a vegetable that not only tastes delicious but is also good for you. That’s why you don’t want to waste any of it