Garlic is cooked, baked, roasted, stir-fried, braised, chopped into ground meat recipes, marinades, soups, and spice rubs. Given its popularity in many different cuisines, many
Interesting Tips about Garlic

There’s nothing quite like the flavor of garlic. We love to rub raw cloves on toasted bread, roast bulbs for mashed potatoes and pizza, and sprinkle garlic powder on grilled burgers and chicken breasts. As if making our dishes more delicious and savory isn’t enough, this allium is also highly nutritious. It has antioxidant properties and reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. With all of these benefits, we decided to grow our own garlic. But then we had to come up with ways for storing it, and we put all that information together in one place.
If you’re not quite sure how to prepare fresh garlic, you’re not alone. Discover easy ways to peel garlic bulbs and separate the cloves, how long garlic stays fresh, and when it’s ready for the trash. Learn how to store it in the fridge for ready use or keep it in olive oil or wine. Find ways to keep bulbs and cloves in the freezer and dehydrate garlic for long-term storage. Explore easy, basic, and Korean pickled garlic recipes for delicious and healthy snacking and tips for making homemade garlic salt for the spice cabinet.
Fresh Garlic vs Minced Garlic
Garlic is a necessity in your house if you enjoy cooking. Still, there are a few different forms sold at the grocery store, and it’s
Fresh Garlic vs Garlic Powder
Garlic is a familiar and fundamental ingredient in many of our favorite recipes. However, there are numerous forms of garlic available in most grocery stores.
Garlic Powder vs Garlic Salt
It’s not easy to imagine a world where we cook without garlic cloves. Humans have taken the memorable garlic flavor and found ways to make
Hardneck vs Softneck Garlic
We always hear kitchen and food terms thrown around, and some of them leave us entirely confused. One example is when we listen to chefs
How Much is a Clove of Garlic
If you’ve spent time in the kitchen, you’ve probably had to substitute fresh garlic for powdered, minced for flakes, or similar conversions. Garlic is delicious
Does Garlic Go Bad?
Garlic is a delicious additive to just about any entree. If you’re like us, then you probably have garlic cloves tucked into the crisper drawer,
How to Make Pickled Garlic
Garlic not only tastes delicious when added to meals but has many health benefits to eating it, as well. Unfortunately, an unpeeled garlic bulb only
How to Store Garlic
Whether you grew your own or bought too much at your local farmers market, you need to learn how to store garlic correctly to prevent
How to Preserve Garlic
Garlic is one of the most well-loved spices around. For thousands of years, people have used both softneck and hardneck garlic to enhance flavors and
How to Freeze Garlic
If you enjoy garlic as much as we do, then you probably keep an abundance of garlic on hand at all times. Unfortunately, peeled garlic
How Long Does Garlic Last?
Garlic is one of the essential seasoning ingredients that every kitchen should have in stock at all times. This tasty vegetable provides mouthwatering flavor to