There is nothing quite like the strong smell and flavor of blue cheese, and we love using it as a burger topping, dressing, and dip.
What You Need to Know about Blue Cheese

There are many types of cheese, and blue cheese is one of the more distinct. It has a color and flavor that is not for everyone, but those who love it can’t seem to get enough. Its creamy texture and sharp, salty taste make it ideal for everything from dressings and dips to burgers, and there is nothing better than crumbles of blue cheese on a salad. However, it does not last very long if you use the wrong storage method. Unlike other cheeses, there are three ways to store this cheese, the counter, fridge, and freezer.
We provide cheesemaker information on the different types of blue cheese, how their appearance and flavor differ, and how to preserve them. The best way to store bleu cheese is to keep it at room temperature in a grotto, but it’s a good idea to keep it refrigerated if you cannot eat it fast enough. Learn how to save your cheese in the fridge by wrapping it in wax paper and seal it in bags to freeze it for longer preservation. Find out how long this cheese type lasts and how to tell when it is spoiled and no longer suitable for your favorite recipe.
Can You Freeze Blue Cheese
Blue cheese is a type of cheese that ages in a temperature-controlled environment to give the food its sharp, salty taste. Like other cheeses, blue
Does Blue Cheese go Bad
Blue cheese—bleu cheese if you want to be fancy—is one of those “love it or hate it” foods. Either you love spreading the stuff on
How to Store Blue Cheese
It’s easy to be tempted into buying more cheese than is possible to eat while browsing your local cheese market or grocery store. The displays