If you’ve ever placed a tub of cottage cheese in the fridge and forgotten about it until it’s well past its expiry date, you’re not
Best Practices for Storing Cottage Cheese

Cheeses like cheddar, mozzarella, and Swiss are pretty straightforward with their appearance. They have the typical cheese-look, are easy to store in the fridge, and you can usually tell when they spoil. However, the consistency of cottage cheese is unlike these medium-hard and hard cheeses. It comes in a carton and is white, soft, and creamy with small curds and a mild taste, and it’s a delicious afternoon snack, whether you mix it with fruit or top it with granola. How long does this cheese last, and what’s the best way to preserve it? We provide you with this information and more to help you get the most out of your tub of cottage cheese.
The best way to keep cottage cheese fresh is to refrigerate it. However, it still has a shorter shelf life than other cheeses, only lasting about seven to ten days after opening the container. Learn how to extend its shelf-life by keeping the tub upside down during storage. While it’s tempting to freeze the cheese to make it last longer, soft cheeses do not handle the freezing process very well. Discover ways to use up your leftover cottage cheese in a variety of recipes to prevent food waste, from scrambled eggs to cheesy orzo.
How Long does Cottage Cheese Last
With so many perishable food items stored in our refrigerators, it is hard to know precisely how long each one lasts before spoiling. Cottage cheese