When you learn how to freeze bell peppers, you can stock up on your favorite kinds and save them for use during the colder winter
Tasty Bell Pepper Preservation Tips
If you enjoy the sweet taste of peppers but cannot tolerate the heat, then bell peppers are perfect for you. While chili peppers range from mildly spicy to super-hot, the bell pepper is the only capsicum family member that doesn’t produce capsaicin, which means it is not hot. This information is good to know if you have low heat tolerance and do not want any unpleasant surprises. Understanding how to store whole and sliced bell peppers is also helpful. Learn all the ways to keep them fresh short-term and preserve them long-term.
Bell peppers only stay crisp for a little while, and storing them in the fridge is the best way to keep them sweet and crispy. However, it’s a good idea to place cut peppers in a storage container lined with a paper towel before refrigerating them. If you prefer storing your peppers longer, find out how to make pickled and dried peppers and tips for canning and freezing them. Learn how long bell peppers last with each storage method, ways to tell when they are no longer edible, and browse through a range of our tasty pepper recipes.
How Long Do Bell Peppers Last?
Bell peppers are versatile and enjoyable in almost any form, whether you enjoy snacking on them with some fresh vegetables and dip, tossing them into
How to Tell if Bell Peppers are Bad
Bell peppers are colorful and tasty, and they liven up any dish to which you add them. They don’t stay fresh for long after you
How to Store Bell Peppers
So you’ve just returned from the grocery store with a fresh haul of bell peppers, purchased at a sale price too reasonable to pass up.