Chipmunks are common ground-dwelling rodents that, despite their cute appearance, can be a real nuisance. If they’re digging in your vegetable garden or eating your bird seed, you’re probably wondering how to get rid of chipmunks. Luckily there are many natural chipmunk repellent techniques to help you keep this small animal away.
If you have a chipmunk problem that you want to fix, then it’s essential to learn a little bit about these little pests to learn how to ward them off. Effective chipmunk deterrents depend on their likes and dislikes, so if you want to adopt humane pest control methods, the first step is education.
In this article, we’ll be sharing what scents, sprays, and landscaping techniques work best to keep any environment free of chipmunks and other small rodents. Every tip and recipe is easy to put together and includes ingredients you can find in any grocery store or hardware store.
Easy-to-Make Chipmunk Repellent Tips and Recipes
Chipmunks rely heavily on their sense of smell, and luckily for us, there are many scents that they cannot stand.
Natural Chipmunk Repellent Spray
This spray is one of our favorite home remedies for natural chipmunk repellent and is one of the best ways to keep squirrels out of your garden, too.
In a spray bottle, mix cayenne pepper with water and mix thoroughly. Spray in areas where you have a pest problem, such as around the perimeter of your garden or shed. Mix a simple rabbit repellent spray the same way. This solution works on a variety of garden bugs and intruders.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are an excellent repellent product that works on many pests, including chipmunks. An added benefit with oils is that they smell appealing to humans, though chipmunks don’t like them.
To keep these pesky critters away, spray essential oils such as clove, lemon, peppermint, cinnamon, or eucalyptus in areas that you want to stay chipmunk-free. You can also use use peppermint oil to repel skunks naturally as there are many critters who hate these smells.
Plant Daffodils
To protect your spring bulbs, add in a few daffodil plants to your garden. Daffodils, also called narcissus, are toxic to chipmunks and emit a scent that tells them to steer clear.
This is another natural chipmunk repellent option that is not only easy but adds a little something beautiful to your life, as daffodils can add appeal to any space.
Live Traps
You can humanely get rid of your unwanted chipmunk population by setting up live traps. This is a catch-and-release pest control method where you lure the chipmunk into a trap, without killing it so that you can release it somewhere else. Many brands, such as Havahart, offer effective chipmunk control traps.
First, you have to choose which trap you’re going to use. The ideal size is about 10-20 inches long. Then you need to decide where to put it.
Near known burrows, below trees, and in an attic or shed are all ideal spots. Next, you need to set your bait. It’s best to use something that the chipmunk can’t run off with, such as peanut butter.
Spread the peanut butter in a spot that will cause the chipmunk to set off the trigger plate, and then set your chipmunk trap wherever you need it. Check it often; you don’t want the creature to die from starvation or dehydration.
When you’ve caught one, put on gloves and take the chipmunk (if the law permits) in a forest or field away from your home. You should release it at least five miles away.
Use Predator Urine
Using the urine of natural predators is a great animal repellent technique, and it is no different for chipmunks. Fox or coyote urine will work, and you can buy this at a hardware store or online if you’re having trouble finding some. Urine is one of the best chipmunk repellents, as they will avoid any area where they suspect a predator might roam.
Homemade Chipmunk Repellent Recipe
This non-toxic, natural chipmunk repellent relies on strong scents that the little critters hate.
To make this chipmunk repellent, start by pureeing the garlic and hot peppers while mixing the water and liquid soap separately. Steep the puree in the soapy water until the water cools. Strain the mixture into a spray bottle and add the oil.
Place the lid firmly on the bottle and shake until mixed. Spray the repellent in areas where you wish to repel chipmunks. This could be by bird feeders, on plants or flower beds, or anywhere else there is chipmunk activity that you don’t want.
Prevent Chipmunks with Good Landscaping
Smart landscaping is one of the most efficient ways to get rid of chipmunks in your yard. These critters like to burrow underground, in the soil, in logs, or bushes.
Prevent them from burrowing by setting up retaining walls or L-shaped footers around your home’s foundation, beside porches, or surrounding your garden.
You should also avoid making wood or rock piles, as chipmunks like to take cover in these areas. To keep them out of your garden and stop them from digging up flower bulbs, plant them underneath a wire or plastic mesh ground cover.
Plants will sprout through the wire or mesh, but chipmunks won’t be able to get through the cover. It’s also important not to leave items such as pet food or bird seed out in the open, as chipmunks see this as a delicious and easily accessible food source. Keep these items inside or in a rodent-proof container outdoors.
You can easily keep chipmunks from messing around with your belongings by using any of these homemade chipmunk repellent tips and recipes without the guilt of harming them.
Recipe for Natural Chipmunk Repellent
Natural Chipmunk Repellent
Keep chipmunks away with this powerful deterrent.
- 16 ounces hot water
- 2 tbsp dishwashing liquid
- 2 tbsp castor oil
- 3 jalapeno peppers
- 3 cloves of garlic
- Blender
- Tablespoon
- Measuring cup
- Blender
- Bowl
- Strainer
- 24-ounce sprayer bottle
- Combine the soap and water in a bowl.
- Blend the jalapenos and garlic cloves.
- Add the spicy puree to the soap and water mixture and stir.
- Let the solution sit for at least 30 minutes.
- Strain the repellent into a sprayer and add castor oil.
- Shake well.
- Spray any outdoor areas where chipmunks are a problem.
- Reapply as needed, especially after rain.
Be careful not to get this mixture in your eyes.
If you know someone who is experiencing excess chipmunk activity, then share these helpful pest control techniques with them!