Few things can stop a person in their tracks quicker than seeing a spider scurrying across the floor, and is especially true when that spider is an unwelcome guest in a person’s own home. Whether you have a fear of spiders or can’t stand the thought of those eight-legged creatures in your space, natural spider repellent can ensure your home stays pest-free.
The pest control solutions listed in this article contain natural ingredients that are easy to find. They will help keep your home looking and feeling fresh and are a great alternative to traditional bug and spider sprays.
With these natural repellent solutions, you don’t have to worry about introducing harmful toxins into your environment. Most of the recipes and strategies we explore are safe for homes with pets and children! Continue reading to learn natural ways to deter spiders from taking up space in your home.

Get Rid of Spiders the DIY Way
If you’re not overly squeamish about spiders, you can learn how to get rid of wolf spiders, jumping spiders or any other kind of spider yourself. Our collection of sprays and home remedies for eliminating your spider problem is easy and inexpensive enough for anyone to try. Use these simple solutions to repel spiders outside my house or if they have managed to find their way inside, too.
Homemade Spider Spray
This”do it yourself” spider spray is an effective way to keep spiders out of your house. It’s one of our favorite recipes because it’s easy to make with items you likely already have in your kitchen.
Combine all the ingredients in a spray bottle and mix well. Once the spray has settled, you can use this inside as well as outside your house. You should use this spider repellent spray every couple of days, especially after rainfall.
For best results, focus on spots where spiders like to cluster together – for instance, damp areas like bathrooms, windows, and window sills. To deter spiders from entering your home, spray around doors or other cracks they might be able to slip through.
White Vinegar
White vinegar is a staple in most households, making this a quick fix when you spot a spider. Not only is white vinegar great for getting rid of spiders, but it is also excellent for pest control in general.
Vinegar’s bug killing ability is part of why it is so effective against spiders, as it can rid your house of the spiders’ primary food source. To prepare a DIY spider repellent spray out of white vinegar, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and shake well.
You can then go around your house spraying the mixture on window sills and doorways, and any other point of entry you spot. You should do this once a week.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are great for keeping spiders at bay. A bonus with many of these is that they will keep your house smelling fresh and lovely.
To use essential oils in your home as a spider deterrent, dip a cotton ball in some of the natural oils of any of the plants listed above. Place the cotton balls around cracks, corners, and windows in your home.
Spiders hate peppermint, making peppermint essential oil a particularly active ingredient in homemade spider spray. For this repellent recipe, add drops of peppermint oil into a spray bottle full of water. If you can’t detect a minty scent, then you’ll need to add more drops of oil. Spray around the house in all necessary areas.
Besides being a tremendous DIY spider repellent, essential oils are also the best way to repel mosquitoes.
DIY Natural Spider Killer
You can mix a variety of essential oils to make a more effective deterrent or killer spray. For instance, you can combine eucalyptus and lavender oil to repel spiders. Just mix water, vodka, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil in a glass spray bottle.
Creating this mixture in a glass spray bottle is essential, as essential oils may break down the plastic in other containers. You can spray this mixture inside your house as well as around the exterior for the best results. This is also an excellent remedy for keeping bed bugs away.
Hedge Apples
Hedge apples come from the Osage orange tree and are one of the oldest and most effective natural spider repellents. However, you have to be careful when handling hedge apples as they are toxic.
When placing them around your house, you should wear gloves and wash your hands afterward as a precaution. It is also essential to put them out of reach of children and pets if you have any living in your home.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth, often referred to as D.E., is a rock that you can crumble up and spread around your home. Sprinkle it around your house in a thin layer of dust.
You should do this wherever you see spiders or other pests crawling around. D.E. is a great natural spider killer, though it doesn’t work right away.
Once the spiders get coated in the dust, D.E. slowly dries them from the inside out until they die of dehydration. It is best to spread D.E. in areas that are already dry, such as underneath your home. You can buy diatomaceous earth at any hardware store.
Citrus Peels
Citrus products have acetic acid properties that spiders can’t stand. If you don’t have any citrus oils on hand, peels of citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, or grapefruits are great.
This is one of the least expensive options on the list, as you can use your leftover peels after you enjoy a sweet snack. Rub your citrus peels on the typical areas – doorways and window sills – as well as baseboards, bookshelves, and anywhere else you have a spider or mosquito problem.
The only downfall of this remedy is that it is not long lasting. You’ll have to replace the peels every 24 to 48 hours to ensure they are potent enough to act as a spider and bug repellent.
Cedar Oil
Spiders are no fans of the oil in cedar wood. To deter spiders from crawling inside, you can use cedar oil, mulch, or wood piles around the perimeter of your house. This solution works best if you use good quality cedar and maintain the supply.
Mulch and logs may prove to be too expensive so cedar essential oil might be your preferred method. Mix cedar oil with water and spray it on the outside your house regularly. This will help keep spiders where they belong – outside.
The spray can also be used inside, as cedarwood oil for spiders and bedbugs has a pleasant scent for us that the critters do not like. Keep a bottle handy.
Tobacco Spray
Tobacco is yet another natural plant that spiders cannot stand. When it comes to using tobacco in your home, you have a few options for great home remedies. Either scatter loose tobacco leaves on shelves and window sills around your house or create a tobacco spray.
To make a spray, mix the leaves with water in a spray bottle. You can also mix tobacco leaves with flour to make tobacco balls. You can spread these around your house to keep the spiders away.
Sticky Traps
Sticky traps are a great way to kill spiders in your home, especially if you dislike using storebought pesticides. You can either buy sticky traps from your local hardware store, or you can make your own.
To make a sticky trap, combine the corn syrup and water in a saucepan, cooking on medium heat until boiling. Once it reaches boiling, turn the heat down to a simmer. Leave it until it becomes a thick paste. Remove from heat and let the paste cool.
Coat a spoon in the cooled mixture and spread onto one side of the cardboard. Place the sticky trap in areas where you often see spiders. Be sure to place the trap sticky side up, and wait to catch your unwanted intruders!
Chestnuts are another convenient and straightforward natural spider repellent. By placing chestnuts in the right places, spiders won’t even want to get into your house.
Put them around the inside and outside of your windows and along your home’s baseboards. One of the significant benefits of using chestnuts as natural home pest control is that they last a very long time so you won’t have to replace them very often.
If you’re terrified of the thought of black widows or brown recluse spiders in your home or want to get rid of the spider nest in your basement, we can help. The natural spider repellent options on this list are cheap, easy, and safe to use to keep these pests away and to kill spiders in basement if they tend to lurk there.
If you follow these recipes, you won’t have to worry about getting spider bites in your home ever again. With these DIY solutions, you can clean up your home and keep it spider-free. The best part? You won’t have to use harsh chemicals to get it that way and you’ll probably get rid of other unwanted insects at the same time!
Recipe for Natural Spider Repellent

Natural Spider Repellent
A simple home remedy for an annoying problem.
- 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
- 1 teaspoon cooking oil
- 8 ounces vinegar
- 8 ounces black pepper
- 24-ounce sprayer
- Teaspoon
- Measuring cup
- Add all the ingredients to the spray bottle.
- Shake well.
- Spritz indoors or outside to keep spiders away and kill those you find.
- Reapply as necessary.
Be careful not to get this spray in your eyes. Wash hands well after use.

We hope you found these spider and pest control tips helpful! If you liked our natural spider repellent recipes, then please share with your friends on Facebook and Pinterest.