Do you know what attracts stink bugs? It’s not to get rid of them. We just moved to Colorado and haven’t seen any. My son has a science project about insects and needs a stink bug to complete it.
Shawna Durfey, Denver
Although these insects tend to appear all throughout the US, let’s take a look at what attracts stink bugs. Hopefully, this will help you locate one for your son’s project. And just a note: all the information I’m giving comes from here:
It sounds like you’re familiar with stink bugs, but know that there is a difference between stink bugs and squash bugs. They are definitely similar in appearance. For our readers who haven’t encountered a stink bug before, I’ll describe what they are. Sometimes they are called shield bugs because of their shape. Also, their scientific name is Halyomorpha halys.
How do you know if you’ve killed a stink bug? It will literally stink. The bug has a strong unpleasant odor that’s designed to repel predators and it doesn’t dissipate quickly.
In warm weather, it’s easy to find these insects on walls and windows. Plus, they like to eat up gardens. But in colder months, they prefer to hibernate in cracks and crawl spaces.
How can you attract a stink bug? Well, they enjoy eating fruits and vegetables. In particular, you can search apples, pears, soybeans, cherries, and peaches for them. With some clever companion planting, you might be able to repel some stink bugs from your garden or backyard. Or if it’s wintertime, turn over stones and check the nooks and crannies in the garage or outbuildings. Sometimes they hide inside vinyl siding and storage boxes.
You can also set a trap out overnight to catch stink bugs without harming them. The article I referred to explains how to make one. You’ll need a 2-liter bottle and an LED light to build it. Once the bugs crawl inside during the night, they can’t escape.
After the project, whether you have stink bugs or need to get rid of conenose kissing bugs, it’s important to know what you’re dealing with so you can properly eliminate the problem. Traps or DIY sprays work equally well for a variety of pests.
To sum up, I hope these tips help you and your son find a stink bug in time for the project.