How can I remove my pimples so I can look good at prom?
Kristen Carter, Houston
Pimples come in different types and intensities, and depending on what you have, depends on what you need to use to get rid of them. When most people talk about getting rid of pimples, they are referring to white heads. For information on the different types of pimples, and how to treat them, our detailed article can help:
There are a few effective at home remedies for pimples. If it’s the inflammation you are mostly concerned about, then tea tree oil, ice, honey, or eye drops can help. If you want to attack the clogged pores, then you should use apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Baking soda can also help if you are prone to pimples because of an oily face. Baking soda applied to your face will help remove that extra oil.
Salicylic acid is great for whiteheads because it not only helps reduce the inflammation caused by a pimple, it cleans out those clogged pores. Where can you find salicylic acid, you ask? In aspirin. Just grind some up, add a little water, and create a paste. Retin-A also helps unclog pores by upping cell turnover. You can find it in most anti-aging creams. A dermatologist can also prescribe these medicines, and the prescriptions will be more effective than at-home remedies.