I want to know what can you use to get rid of spiders. I live in an older home and I find lots of spiders indoors. They creep me out. I’m afraid my cats will get sick if I use insecticide. What’s good to kill spiders without hurting my cats?
Suzanne C., South Carolina
I understand when you say spiders aren’t welcome in your home. Although they are helpful at eating other pests like flies, some spiders are dangerous. Plus, it is little scary to discover them in unexpected places.
So if you want to know what can you use to get rid of spiders, here are five tips in this article: https://www.tipsbulletin.com/how-to-get-rid-of-spiders-5-remedies-to-keep-spiders-away/
First off, you have cats, and that’s perfect for getting rid of spiders. Most cats will catch them, so you have natural pest control already.
Secondly, you can make your home less hospitable to spiders. Vacuum up their webs and clean out all their hiding places. Seal up cracks they might use to enter.
Third, use natural spider repellents to deter them. There are many things you can try that won’t make your cats ill. Some of the simplest ones are things like baking soda and lemon juice. Sprinkle bake soda along the places where spiders like to visit. Or mix up the juice of a lemon with water and spritz it into spider hideouts. Spiders don’t like citrus at all, and that includes limes, oranges, and grapefruits, too.
In conclusion, peppermint oil is another option to repel spiders. Mix peppermint oil with water till the water has a strong minty scent. Just like with the citrus water, spray the peppermint water in places where spiders hang out.
May your home soon be spider-free.