What is the best way to remove skin tags naturally? I had one cut off my eyelid by a dermatologist. But it was too expensive to remove the other ones from my neck and back. Is there something I can do about them at home?
Emilia Sandford, Winchester, KY
While they aren’t dangerous to your health, they are annoying. There is no one best way to remove skin tags naturally–there are several methods you can try. For example, you can use essential oils. And while most of these solutions are painless, they will take time to work.
First, try oregano oil. Although you’ll need to dilute it with a carrier oil to protect your skin, oregano will dry out the skin tag, so that drops off by itself. Just mix three drops of oregano with six drops of coconut oil and apply that three times a day until its work is done. Specifically, it could take a month before the tag is gone.
Second, tea tree oil will also dry out a skin tag. Again, you’ll want to dilute it. If you don’t have coconut oil, you can use olive oil. Similarly, castor oil by itself will also have the same effect, and you don’t need to dilute it.
But those aren’t the only options for removing a skin tag. You can also use apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, garlic, and juice from the stem of the dandelion plant. (Although avoid the dandelion juice if you’re allergic to ragweed or daisies.) And no matter which tool you use, you’ll need to dab it on the tag three to four times a day for about a month. Plus, you can see other remedies for skin tags here: https://www.tipsbulletin.com/home-remedies-to-remove-skin-tags/
In summary, I this helps you hope you discover an effective way to remove those tags without needing to visit a doctor.