Which is the best essential oil for deep sleep? I just started menopause and I live on a noisy street. This combination of factors is driving me nuts. I can’t get any rest at night now.
Gina Davis, Brooklyn
I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering, and I have some suggestions that can help you. While the best essential oil for deep sleep may vary for you compared to someone else, let me tell you which ones to try. Just so you know, the full list and description of each comes from here: https://www.tipsbulletin.com/essential-oils-for-sleep/
In the first place, one of the most common oils used as a sleep aid is lavender. It’s easy to find and inexpensive to purchase. Lavender promotes a feeling of peace and relaxation. For best results, you can diffuse it into the air or place it on a cotton ball where you can enjoy the scent near your bed. If you dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut or almond, you can also apply it to your skin.
But if lavender isn’t strong enough for you, try combining it with clary sage or ylang-ylang. These latter two oils are calming to women passing through menopause. If you combine them with a carrier oil, you can massage them into your skin for a more powerful effect. In fact, you may find that reputable essential oil manufacturers already sell mixtures like these.
In conclusion, I hope you find the perfect essential oil to help you rest well at night. And as for the city noise, maybe a pair of earplugs can make a difference, too.