Thinking that your plants have friends and foes does not come to mind when gardening. However, some plants get along while others are best kept
Companion Planting Pumpkins
Like practicing crop rotation, companion planting provides many advantages for growing veggies, fruits, and flowers. Companion planting pumpkins helps control pests, attract beneficial insects, and
Companion Planting Broccoli
We want to avoid pesticides and insecticides when growing fruits and veggies at home. However, this makes gardening challenging since harmful insects love broccoli just
Companion Plants for Corn
There are friends and foes everywhere in nature, including the plant world. While some plants help each other thrive, others do not get along and
Companion Planting Carrots
Carrots are a charming addition to any home garden, and they do quite well with a good companion. There are plenty of plants out there,
Companion Planting for Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts are a popular vegetable, and many gardeners are curious about companion planting for Brussel sprouts in the vegetable garden. These tasty little veggies
Eggplant Companion Planting
Companion planting is a practice with roots throughout history as farmers and gardeners developed planting patterns to improve the growth and health of their crops.
Companion Planting for Turnips
Practicing companion planting is an excellent technique to increase your garden’s efficiency. Plants require the company of other plants to thrive, and plant-to-plant relationships are
Companion Planting Vegetables
What if you could sow your dream garden and passively increase the yield of your favorite crops while deterring pests from interfering with your harvest?
Companion Planting Gourds
The advice behind companion planting gourds stems from visual observations made by farmers and commercial growers. These observations often come from experiments in planting and
Companion Planting Rhubarb
Rhubarb is one of the perennial vegetables often associated with the first harvest of the spring season. Companion planting rhubarb has many gains in the
Plants that Repel Squash Bugs
Various pests in the insect world are harmful to our beloved plants, from aphids and spider mites to potato bugs and Mexican bean beetles. However,
Raspberry Companion Plants
Raspberries are edible fruits from plant species in the genus Rubus, part of the rose family. With the proper care, planting a raspberry brush pays
Companion Planting Squash
A squash plant is one of the most versatile crops available for gardeners. One of their biggest strengths is their ability to grow with other
Companion Planting for Peas
Planting a vegetable garden is a terrific way to ensure you get the freshest organic veggies, and peas are a wonderful addition. They are relatively
Companion Planting for Cauliflower
Most gardeners have wondered what to plant with cauliflower at some time or another. Companion planting for cauliflower doesn’t have to be complicated. Companion planting
Elderberry Companion Plants
Elderberry plants belong to a genus of flowering plants, and various species within are known as elder or elderberries. These plants blend well into ornamental
Ground Cherry Companion Plants
The ripe ground cherry, or cape gooseberry, is a fast-growing fruit that is a beautiful addition to the garden, especially if you don’t have the
Companion Planting for Okra
Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) is an excellent addition to your garden, capable of withstanding drought and providing excellent yields with just weekly watering. However, there are
Companion Planting Radishes
If you plant a veggie and give it all the care it desires and your plant still refuses to flourish, you may be growing the
Blueberry Companion Plants
Growing blueberries in your home garden is well worth the effort. By growing useful blueberry companion plants nearby, your blueberry bushes will stay healthy and
Companion Planting for Watermelon
Companion planting for watermelon plants involves strategic planning to optimize spacing for the veggies in your garden. For anyone beginning a vegetable garden, pests and
Arugula Companion Plants
Plants and people do best with companionship. Mutually beneficial plant relationships are proven to enhance any vegetable garden. If you plan to grow arugula this
Companion Planting Beets
Finding a good companion for the veggies in your garden is a lot like finding a good friend. Not everyone knows what to plant with
Bok Choy Companion Plants
Bok choy, also spelled pak choi, is a Chinese cabbage that forms a loose head of bright green leaves with a mild cabbage-like flavor. The
Companion Planting Cilantro
It’s incredible how much a strategic gardening layout benefits your garden plants. Companion planting cilantro opens up many possibilities and serves as a form of
Sweet Potato Companion Plant
Sweet potatoes are vining plants that produce deliciously tasty tubers. They’re easy and fun to grow, especially when planted with beneficial companion plants. In this
How to Plant Herbs
There are countless reasons to plant an herb garden at home, from using fresh herbs in your favorite recipes to brewing a homegrown cup of
Cranberry Companion Plants
We want our gardens to thrive but rarely ever think about how the plants growing next could affect their lives throughout the cranberry growing season.
Companion Planting Potatoes
Gardening is an art form. It takes skill and valuable information to understand which plants are safe when placed next to one another and which
Companion Planting Herbs
Gardening is a joyous hobby that rewards you endlessly if you take good care of your plants. While there are plenty of beneficial insects you
Companion Planting Zucchini
Zucchini plants are relatively easy to grow from seed. With full sun, fertile soil, and enough water, this annual summer squash produces abundant long, green,
Companion Planting Onions
Any gardener will tell you that destructive insects and pests are a common struggle, and growing the wrong plants side-by-side often causes problems you don’t
When to Harvest Peppers
One of the most common plants to include in a backyard garden is pepper plants. Pepper varieties are simple to grow and have an easy-to-follow
How to Grow Chili Peppers
There is a wide variety of colors, flavors, and heat levels available, from jalapenos to habaneros, when it comes to growing chili peppers. Read on
Companion Planting Bell Peppers
A lot goes into growing your own vegetable garden, from choosing the right plants to planning their location. However, we often overlook the fact that
How to Harvest Celery
Celery is a nutrient-rich vegetable that makes an exceptional addition to any garden. Planting celery comes with many benefits for your health, garden, and the
How to Plant Jalapenos
Jalapeno peppers are a staple ingredient in many classic Mexican dishes. They’re easy to grow as long as you provide the right growing conditions. Read
Companion Planting Strawberries
Strawberries are easy and fun to grow in your garden at home and make an excellent addition to some of our favorite recipes. To help
How to Grow Tabasco Peppers
Tabasco peppers are relatively easy to grow in most climates. It’s even possible to enjoy fresh tabasco peppers year-round by growing a tabasco pepper plant
What are Tomatoes
What are tomatoes? Believe it or not, there are several answers to this question. There are many varieties of tomatoes that are grown in backyard
How to Grow Peppers
So, you’ve decided to try your hand at growing your own peppers. If you’re new to vegetable gardening, these plants are a great choice since
Strawberry Bugs
You pluck a large, ripe strawberry from a plant or fruit bowl and its beautiful red color and plumpness indicate it is the perfect ripeness.
Companion Planting Cucumbers
Cucumbers are an easy and rewarding crop to grow in your vegetable garden. Use companion planting to help your cucumber plants grow strong and healthy.
How to Grow Celery from Seed
Growing celery from seed has numerous benefits. Homegrown celery tastes better than store-bought, and you also have the peace of mind of knowing that your
Planting Peppers
Whether you like them sweet or hot, homegrown peppers are a tasty summertime treat. In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about
How to Get Rid of Tomato Worms
One of the most common plants to incorporate in a vegetable garden is tomato plants. Tomato plants are easy to grow and produce an ample
What to Plant with Tomatoes
Companion planting is an advantageous garden design technique that utilizes the mutually beneficial qualities of compatible plants to create a healthy garden ecosystem. In this
How to Keep Stink Bugs off Tomatoes
Stink bugs, which are sometimes referred to as shield bugs due to their shape, are bothersome insect pests that tend to wreak havoc in the
Types of Cucumbers
Cucumbers are a great veggie to include in your backyard garden. Before planting cucumbers in your garden, it is helpful to understand what the different