Squash bugs are a gardener’s worst nightmare and are challenging to control if their numbers get out of hand. They cause havoc to young, tender
diatomaceous earth
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Plants
We’re always looking for creative pest control solutions in the garden, and all the better if they’re organic. Responsible pest control methods and organic DIY
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Ants
When ants arrive, they come in numbers. It’s vital for every homeowner to have pest control skills and to feel confident when tackling unwelcome insects.
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Spiders
Spiders play an important role in pest control. Most spiders find their way inside accidentally and make their nests indoors, where they feed on insects.
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Roaches
The cockroach is one of the most detestable pests, and finding one inside your home is cause for concern. However, you don’t have to fill
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Earwigs
The earwig is a bizarre-looking crawling insect with a large pincer on its back section, which is why some people call it a pincher bug.
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Flies
When flies create a nuisance around your house and yard, explore how to use diatomaceous earth for flies to resolve your pest situation safely. Use
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Spider Mites
Applying diatomaceous earth to kill spider mites is straightforward. Diatomaceous earth powder is made up of many tiny fossilized diatoms, tiny sharp edged particles, that
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Mealybugs
Mealybugs are scale insects that thrive in warm environments. These soft-bodied bugs are known pests due to their habit of feeding on plants for their
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth on the Lawn
Given its ability to control several problematic garden pests, it’s no surprise many homeowners want to know how to spread diatomaceous earth on the lawn.
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Maggots
Despite maggots having beneficial roles in medicine and the environment, it’s never fun to find maggots in or around our home. Due to their appearance
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Slugs and Snails
Slugs and snails will treat your vegetable garden like an all-day buffet if given the opportunity. While they’re not the most dangerous pests in the
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Pest Control
As more people use less harsh chemicals, homeowners are interested in the safer diatomaceous earth options for controlling insect pests. Learning how to use diatomaceous
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Ticks in Your Yard
If you’re a pet owner, you know how dogs and cats are magnets for ticks. While these parasitic insects are a necessary part of nature,
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Fungus Gnats
More people are switching to less toxic insecticides and are interested in safer diatomaceous earth (DE) alternatives for managing insect pests such as the fungus
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth on Houseplants
If you struggle with house plant pests, you’ve likely wondered how to use diatomaceous earth for houseplants. Using diatomaceous earth for potted plants has a
How to Use Diatomaceous Earth for Chiggers
Chiggers are the juvenile stage of the harvest mite, a tiny red mite from the Trombiculidae family. The bites often induce an allergic response and
How to Eliminate Bed Bugs
Your bed is meant to be a place of solitude. This is where you lay in the comfort of blankets and recharge for the new
How to Clean a Green Pool
As the summer heat takes over, we often find ourselves dying for something to cool us off and save us from the scorching sun. Those
How to Get Rid of Chiggers in Your Yard
Whether you call them harvest mites, red bugs, or chiggers, the tiny arachnids have a way of ruining time outdoors. These mite larvae may not
What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly
A bed bug infestation is a homeowner’s worst nightmare. These tiny bugs wreak havoc as you sleep, leaving behind painful bed bug bites as they
How to Plant Bell Peppers
Peppers are a versatile vegetable and a must-have in the kitchen. Imagine having an almost endless supply of fresh green peppers for salad, sweet peppers
Strawberry Bugs
You pluck a large, ripe strawberry from a plant or fruit bowl and its beautiful red color and plumpness indicate it is the perfect ripeness.
How to Prevent Bed Bugs
We can’t imagine a more uncomfortable way to wake up than covered in small, itchy red spots and blisters. If you’ve found yourself in this
Chigger Infestation
Chiggers are the nearly invisible nuisance of nature. A day spent outdoors is meant to be relaxing and enjoyable, not a trip to the doctor
How to Get Rid of Tomato Worms
One of the most common plants to incorporate in a vegetable garden is tomato plants. Tomato plants are easy to grow and produce an ample
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in a Leather Couch
Bed bugs are notorious for biting you in your sleep. However, don’t let the name fool you since these insects occupy everything from your bed
Homemade Chigger Repellent
Chiggers are tiny reddish-orange insects found outdoors in long grassy wooded areas. Chigger bites leave itchy red bumps on your skin’s surface and are very
Tomato Pests and Diseases
Growing your own vegetable garden is both gratifying and productive, especially if you grow a variety of tomatoes. And, growing an organic garden is the
How to Get Rid of Bed Mites
As much as you hate to think about it, your home and bed are covered in dust mites. Even though they’re mostly harmless, people with
Homemade Bug Spray for Tomato Plants
Tomato plants are an excellent vegetable to grow in your garden. Not only are tomatoes easy to grow, but they also produce a bountiful harvest
How to use Neem Oil for Bed Bugs
Nothing makes people shudder faster than the mention of bed bugs. Finding bed bug bites on your legs and body after sleeping is horrifying, leaving
How to Get Rid of Aphids in the Garden
Aphids are small green garden pests that suck the nutrient-rich liquids out of your garden plants. It is essential to get an aphid infestation under
How to Repel Bed Bugs
A bed bug infestation is an annoying problem that overtakes your mattress or couch. Knowing how to repel bed bugs is essential to avoid an
Fastest Ways to Get Rid of Bed Bugs
It’s time to discover the fastest ways to get rid of bed bugs. Finding a bed bug infestation in your home or hotel room is
How to Get Rid of Grain Mites
Grain mites are tiny pantry pests that infest dry food stocks like flour, cereals, rice, dried fruit, and pet food. Read on to discover the
How to Repel Chiggers
A day spent outdoors is supposed to leave you feeling refreshed and grounded. Instead, you end up rushing home while scratching your skin in search
DIY Bed Bug Traps
There are thousands of critters who crawl around and find their way into our homes. Bed bugs are the worst of all of them, and
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in a Couch
Bed bugs are tiny insects that survive off human and animal blood. Couches and mattresses are ideal places for these small bugs to populate. Educating
How to Get Rid of Clover Mites
Of all the pests to worry about as homeowners, you’d think the ones that are hard to see with the naked eye would be the
How to Kill Dust Mites
Although dust mites are found in all homes wherever dust collects, they pose a severe risk to those who have a dust mite allergy. Knowing
How to Get Rid of Dust Mites
While you cannot see them, there is an excellent chance your home is crawling with teeny-tiny pests that are invisible to the eye. We’re talking
How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in a Mattress
The dreaded things that go bump in the night are not always big and scary. Sometimes, they are small, scuttling about in your bed, feasting
How to Kill Chiggers
Most of us have awakened one day and realized that our bodies are covered in small, red bites from an unknown source. Whether you knew
Bed Bug Infestation
The common bed-time saying, don’t let the bed bugs bite, makes it seem as if these insects are a mere fairy tale, but that is
How to Get Rid of An Ant Infestation
Learning how to get rid of an ant infestation is something that becomes increasingly useful during homeownership. Encountering ants is inevitable. These small critters work
How to Get Rid of Aphids on Trees
Aphids are huge garden pests. They’re attracted to nearly any type of plant life, but over 4,000 aphid species across the globe mostly prefer trees.
Natural Ant Deterrent
Spring and summer finally arrive, the windows are open, and the scent of emerging flowers is in the air. We all look forward to this
Natural Centipede Repellent
Centipedes are creepy and unsightly, especially house centipedes. They scurry across the floor with their endless tiny legs, which causes an immediate panic reaction. If
Homemade Ant Killer without Borax
Discovering that you have an ant invasion in the home is an unwelcome surprise, and getting rid of ants feels like an uphill battle. You