While many see only the nuisance the occasional furry creature causes in their yard, they often overlook all the benefits, too. Planting shrubs to attract
Plants that Attract Hummingbirds
When creating your garden, you ensure every plant contributes a unique sense of appeal and purpose. Perfecting this level of beauty and eye-catching allure takes
Perennials for Hummingbirds
Have you ever noticed a hummingbird fly into your yard, darting this way and that, before leaving? That tiny bird was probably searching for a
Annuals for Birds
Did you know there is a wide array of flowers that provide food for birds? Annuals for birds aren’t the first thing we think of
Trees for Hummingbirds
During the warmer months, nothing beats a busy garden. One of the best ways to ensure you see lots of hummingbird activity is to use
Best Flowers for Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds astound almost every bird lover with their vibrant colors, impressive wing speed, and an overall unique look. It’s no wonder that gardeners and homeowners
Annuals for Hummingbirds
Do you love watching hummingbirds? Are you looking for different ways to attract them to your yard? Hummingbird feeders work, but so does planting a
Best Flowers for Honey Bees
Everywhere you turn, you hear about needing to save the bees. With the growing demand to increase the bee population, many home gardeners are creating
Homemade Hummingbird Nectar Recipes
Have you ever wondered what exactly hummingbirds eat to maintain their busy and active flight? A hummingbird’s food sources include tiny spiders and insects, but
Homemade Hummingbird Food Recipes
Hummingbirds are a welcome addition to almost every garden, gracing our lawns once in a blue moon to partake of some yummy nectar. So what
How to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeder
Hummingbirds provide a beautiful scene in your yard and hours of enjoyment. It is easy to attract these beautiful birds to your yard with a