Have you been on your hands and knees recently to look at how dirty your wood kitchen cabinets are? Do that when you get a
Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
Our kitchens see the most use out of any room in the house, and they tend to take a messy beating between the hurried morning
Homemade Kitchen Cleaner
With their daily use, kitchens can get dirty fast. Even if you spend the time to meticulously clean up after every meal, after a while
How to Get Rid of Ants in Kitchen Cupboards
Can you tell me how to get rid of ants in kitchen cupboards? I leave my cats’s food and water dishes on the floor of
Natural Cleaners
It’s important to keep your home clean both for sanitary reasons and to make it pleasant to live in. Many people think that cleaning your
Homemade Cleaners
It’s that time of year when homeowners are looking to refresh their living spaces both indoors and out. Decluttering is the first step to reviving
What Plants Repel Mosquitoes?
What plants repel mosquitoes? And is planting them enough? Or do I need to dry their leaves or do something else to them? Christine Weiss,
What Does Hydrogen Peroxide Do For Cleaning?
What does hydrogen peroxide do for cleaning around the house? Tracy Wardle, NY This liquid is truly one of humankind’s best inventions. You asked what
Kitchen Herb Garden
What if basil for the Caprese salad was only a few steps away? And mint to garnish the mojito, too? It’s not necessary to rush
Where Do Gnats Come From?
Gnats belong to the group of tiny flying insects that you typically find roaming free around your home. Gnats are extremely annoying little insects that
How to Get Rid of Gnats in the Kitchen
Fungus gnats and fruit flies in the kitchen are a common problem for homeowners. If you are dealing with a gnat infestation in your kitchen,
How to Clean a Garbage Disposal
When it comes to the sink in your kitchen, you would think that it would be relatively clean considering how many times per day you
What’s in the Best Homemade Floor Cleaner?
What’s in the best homemade floor cleaner? I have hardwood and tile floors. What can I use to clean them that won’t trigger my allergies?
Is Vinegar a Disinfectant for Cleaning?
Is vinegar a disinfectant for cleaning? I’ve heard that it is and it isn’t. Is it really safe to use as a cleaner in the
How to Clean Porcelain Tile
Porcelain tiles have been used in home design for centuries, because of their beauty and durability. Porcelain isn’t only an excellent choice to have inside
What To Use For An Organic Drain Cleaner?
I’ve started thinking more about polluting less. Can you tell me what to use for an organic drain cleaner? Terri Gaither, Maryland Yes, I can
How to Clean Marble
Marble is a beautiful natural stone that has become a popular decorating choice for many homeowners. From marble sinks to marble kitchen countertops to marble
How to Clean a Stainless Steel Sink
A new stainless steel sink sparkles, but as it gets used that bright shiny finish becomes dull and stained. Well, the good news is that
How to Clean a Coffee Maker
If you’re drinking one cup of coffee or more every morning, your drip coffee maker is probably a lot dirtier than you think. You may
Does Vinegar Go Bad?
You probably have a bottle of vinegar sitting in your pantry right now. Vinegar comprises 5-20% acetic acid, water, and trace chemicals. The main uses
Homemade Stainless Steel Cleaner
Its ability to resist rust and corrosion has made stainless steel a popular choice for today’s kitchens and bathrooms. However, the daily dirt, dust, and
Which are the Best Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Mice?
Which are the best home remedies for getting rid of mice? I prefer to repel them, not kill them. Allison Ng, Waldorf, MD The first
What is the Difference between Baking Powder and Baking Soda?
What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda? Which one is best for using in the garden? Bonita F., Marysvale, UT Baking soda
How to Remove Rust Stains from Bathtub
For most homeowners, the last thing they want to do is clean the bathroom. If you have a slow water leak in your bathtub that
Homemade Granite Cleaner
Having granite countertops in your home has become a popular choice among homeowners over the years. Granite countertops are not only attractive, but they are
How to Get Rid of Gnats
Although they aren’t harmful to humans, gnats are especially annoying, especially when they take up residence in the house. The mere existence of these pesky
How to Clean an Iron
For most people, ironing is a chore that is at the bottom of their home to-do list. If your iron is dirty, it can cause
What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Fruit Flies in the Kitchen?
Fruit flies are driving us mad. I’ve put all the fruit in a closely-woven wire basket so they can’t reach it but it hasn’t stopped
Natural Drain Cleaner
A clogged or smelly drain happens to everyone. At some point in time, the bathroom or kitchen drain clogs and dirty, contaminated water backs up,
Homemade Brass Cleaner
If you’ve noticed that the brass pieces throughout your home are starting to look dull and tarnished, then it might be time for you to
How to Get Rid of Tiny Ants in the Kitchen
How to get rid of tiny ants in the kitchen? I have a toddler and a cat, so I want to use things that won’t
How to Clean Grout with a Homemade Grout Cleaner
How to clean grout with a homemade grout cleaner? My grout isn’t sealed so straight vinegar will damage it. Is there something else I can
How To Use Sherry Vinegar In A Glaze?
How to use sherry vinegar in a glaze? Does a sherry vinegar glaze go well with fish? And how about basting a roast? Kara Snowfield,
How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Cleaning the House
How to use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning the house? I’ve heard that it sanitizes surfaces and kills mold on grout. But will it ruin anything?
How to Clean Kitchen Drain Pipes and a Stainless Steel Sink
How to clean kitchen drain pipes and a stainless steel sink? I’m cleaning up a rental unit that’s a real mess. The granite countertop is
White vinegar is not just for culinary use anymore. This multi-tasker is a powerful all-purpose cleaner, disinfectant, and beauty aid. And the best vinegar for
How to Clean Granite Countertops
Kitchen countertops see a lot of messes. The countertops serve as a preparation area for food, so they need to be kept spotlessly clean and
Can You Tell Me How to Get Rid of Ants in the House?
Can you tell me how to get rid of ants in the house? They invaded my kitchen. I don’t want to spray insecticide because I
How to Clean Copper Pots
Copper has an undeserved reputation as being hard to clean. It does need a little special attention from time to time and there is a
How to Grease Off Stainless Steel Stove without Scratching It
Please tell me how to grease off stainless steel stove without scratching it. I’m helping my mother-in-law move. Everything has to be perfectly clean before
How to Get Rid of Roaches without an Exterminator
Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests we have today, so it’s no wonder there are tons of home remedies to get rid
How to Remove Stains from Granite Countertops and Walls
I just moved into a home that we’re renovating. I need to know how to remove stains from granite countertops and wallpaper. Is there a
How to Reseal Granite Countertops in the Kitchen
Do you know how to reseal granite countertops in the kitchen? And how should I clean the granite in the future? Lois B., Grand Rapids
Sherry Vinegar
Sherry vinegar is currently not as widely found or used as other more popular kinds of vinegar. Fortunately, this is changing as more cooks become
Can You Tell Me the Fastest Way How to Fix a Clogged Kitchen Sink Drain?
Can you tell me the fastest way how to fix a clogged kitchen sink drain? Jill J., Davenport, Iowa It’s a great skill to know
Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide at Home
Hydrogen peroxide is an essential part of most home first-aid kits. However, there are numerous hydrogen peroxide uses in the home that most people don’t
Can You Give Me Some Tips on How to Clean Oven Trays?
I don’t know how to clean oven trays. I’ve never had to clean one before. Can you give me some tips, please? Bettina Santos, El
How to Unclog a Kitchen Sink
Sinks: they’re such a familiar sight, you may overlook just how much you use them. Thirsty? Get a glass of water from the sink. Have
What Can Vinegar be Used for Besides Cooking?
My husband’s been on a bulk food kick. We now have a freezer full of meat and more toilet paper than we probably need for
How to Clean an Oven
Whether or not we feel we know how to clean an oven, cleaning the oven is one of the most dreaded chores on anyone’s list.