While mole crickets are harmless, they tunnel through the lawn close to the soil surface, eating shoots and grass roots. Also, a male mole cricket
How to Kill Mole Crickets
Mole crickets are pests known for burrowing into the ground and emitting loud chirping sounds to attract mates. They feed on the roots of seedlings
How to Kill Moles in Your Lawn
If you suddenly notice raised areas of earth in your lawn, you probably have moles. These critters burrow molehills beneath the soil in search of
How to Kill Moles
Moles sometimes cause serious problems for homeowners due to the damage their tunneling inflicts on your lawn and flower beds. In this article, you’ll learn
Mole Infestation
A moment of sudden panic sets in when you walk out to your yard and spot a series of raised mounds zigzagging through your grass.
Plants that Repel Moles
With their tiny eyes, pink snouts, and clawed, fleshy paws, moles are almost cute. They even fertilize and aerate soil and eat garden pests like
How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn
If your once flat and beautiful lawn now has strange mounds of dirt, there’s a good chance you have moles. While identifying mole activity around
How to Keep Moles Away
If you’ve ever dealt with a mole infestation in your garden or lawn, you know that these burrowing rodents are a frustrating nuisance. Find out
How to Kill Moles in Your Yard
Moles, voles, and gophers are animals that live underground, surviving off of insects and grubs. When these insectivores invade your lawn, they burrow small tunnels
How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Yard
We know how a feeling of dread washes over you when you look out your window to discover that your lawn and landscaping are covered
How to Get Rid of Moles
Homeowners spend a considerable amount of time taking care of their lawns and backyard gardens. However, some pests like gophers, voles, skunks, and moles search
Natural Mole Repellent
Have you started seeing round, raised ridges breaking the surface of your lawn? These 3 to 5-inch piles of dirt are a sure sign of
How to Make Neem Oil Spray for Plants
How to make neem oil spray for plants? I’m battling an infestation of aphids on my roses. Can you also tell me what time of
Is Organic Castor Oil Safe to Take Internally?
Is organic castor oil safe to take internally? My grandmother says it can relieve constipation, but I’m a little afraid to try it. Sara Jameson,