Have you noticed a slimy gunky stain on your kitchen or bathroom ceiling? It’s disconcerting to look up and notice an oily, greasy, slimy stain
Does Watermelon Go Bad
There is nothing better than biting into a juicy, sweet watermelon. No matter how much we enjoy the delicious taste, the question remains, does watermelon
How Long are Mushrooms Good for
Like a lot of produce bought at the grocery store, mushrooms have an expiration date. They aren’t pleasant to eat after they’ve started to turn
How to Remove Slime from a Couch
Kids have so much fun with ooey-gooey, homemade slime. It’s too bad this fun science project often turns into a nightmare when you find it
How to Get Slime Out of Clothes
Slime is a fad that won’t be slowing down any time soon. With companies producing a vast array of styles and new, inventive ways to
How to Get Slime Out of Carpet
When kids need a fun indoor activity to keep themselves amused, parents often turn to slime. Green slime recipes have been playthings for millions of
How to Get Slime Out of Hair
If you have young kids, you have heard all about slime. While slime is fun to make and even more fun to play with, it
Natural Carpet Cleaner
No carpet is 100% spill-proof or stain proof. But, with care and proper cleaning techniques, you can add years to the life of your carpet.
How to Get Lipstick Out of Clothes
While a dark red lipstick may look amazing on your lips, it isn’t so flattering when it ends up on your favorite shirt. It may
How to Get Vomit Out of Carpet
How to get vomit out of carpet? My dog puked on our new rug. Andrea Kinsey, San Rafael I’m so sorry you have this problem!
DIY Carpet Stain Remover
Between your kids, pets, and everything else, your carpet takes a beating. Unfortunately, the commercial carpet cleaners that you can purchase at the store can