Squash bugs are a gardener’s worst nightmare and are challenging to control if their numbers get out of hand. They cause havoc to young, tender
Homemade Fertilizer for Squash
Are you looking for ways to feed your squash plants at home without commercial plant food? Unfortunately, fertilizers are expensive these days, and sometimes your
Zucchini vs Squash
A trip to your grocery store or farmers’ markets is often confusing if you are unfamiliar with the different summer and winter squash types. With
How to Keep Squash Bugs Away
If you plan on growing squash plants or currently have cucurbit plants developing in your garden, addressing the issue of squash bugs (Anasa tristis) is
Types of Squash
Called Isquoutersquash by Native Americans and marrow by the British, squash is a much-loved vegetable. Gardeners worldwide produce lots of different types of squash and
How to Harvest Spaghetti Squash
Curious about how to harvest spaghetti squash? Thankfully, harvesting spaghetti squash is relatively straightforward, though knowing when to harvest spaghetti squash is crucial to getting
How to Plant Squash
If you’ve always wanted to plant squash, there is no better time than the present. Squash plants are relatively simple to grow, and there are
Squash Bug Traps
When squash bugs infest your garden, squash bug population control feels impossible. Learn how to keep squash pests away from your summer squash, winter squash,
Pumpkin vs Squash
When it comes to home gardening, pumpkins and squash are essentials for any raised bed or garden patch, though many growers have questions about pumpkin
How Long is Spaghetti Squash Good for
Spaghetti squash (Cucurbita pepo) is a winter squash known for its spaghetti-like flesh. Other types of winter squash include butternut squash, acorn squash, and delicata
When to Plant Squash
The world of squash plants is vast and exciting, with many varieties available for gardeners. Knowing when to plant squash is crucial to your squash
How to Grow Squash in a Container
Squash plants are easy and fun to grow in your vegetable garden, but they tend to take up a lot of space. Container gardening is
How to Prevent Squash Bugs
Squash bug control may seem impossible when these insect pests invade your garden. Learn how to prevent squash bugs from attacking and keep your summer
How to Grow Squash in a Pot
There are dozens of squash varieties or cultivars to choose from, and deciding which to grow may be based on preference, but if you’re looking
How to Get Rid of Squash Bugs
Squash bugs (Anasa tristis) are garden pests that commonly target cucurbit plants like summer squash, winter squash, and zucchini. Knowing how to get rid of
How to Grow Squash
Thanks to its high yield and delicious flavor, many gardeners are curious about how to grow squash. Growing squash is easier than you might imagine;
Homemade Squash Bug Repellent
If you notice that your young squash plant is wilting, even after giving it the care it needs, you may have a squash bug problem.
Plants that Repel Squash Bugs
Various pests in the insect world are harmful to our beloved plants, from aphids and spider mites to potato bugs and Mexican bean beetles. However,
How to Get Rid of Powdery Mildew on Squash
Every gardener has battled a powdery mildew infection; you plant some stunning squash, everything looks beautiful, and suddenly, those unwelcome white splotches appear on the
How to Repel Squash Bugs
Squash bug management may seem difficult when these insect pests infest your garden. Learn how to repel squash bugs from your melon, zucchini, summer squash,
Companion Planting Squash
A squash plant is one of the most versatile crops available for gardeners. One of their biggest strengths is their ability to grow with other
When to Plant Spaghetti Squash
Spaghetti squash is one of our favorite winter squash types, and it’s a great addition to the vegetable garden. It’s relatively simple to grow, and
How to Use Neem Oil for Squash Bugs
Your garden could be thriving with cucumbers, melons, and zucchini plants, all for the pesky squash bug to come in and take over the next
How to Plant Spaghetti Squash
Spaghetti squash is a fantastic vegetable that, on the outside, looks like any other squash belonging to the family of Cucurbita pepo. Once cooked, spaghetti
Squash Bug Infestation
When growing squash or members of the Cucurbitaceae family of crops, you may find your garden overrun by small grey or dark brown insects. These
How to Kill Squash Bugs
Producing your own food takes a lot of hard work, and the time you spend in the garden rewards you with fresh fruits and veggies
Squash Bugs vs Stink Bugs
If you grow your own food, you’ve probably come across a variety of insects in the garden, and some of them, like the squash bug
How to Preserve Spaghetti Squash
It’s the end of the growing season, and you’re harvesting zucchini, butternut squash, acorn squash, and spaghetti squash from the garden. How long does spaghetti
How to Control Squash Bugs
Anasa tristis, better known as squash bugs, are a common pest resembling stink bugs that belong to a family of sap-sucking insects. When thinking about
How to Harvest Squash
Who doesn’t love a plate of spaghetti squash topped with marinara sauce or grilled zucchini drizzled with olive oil and seasonings? And, the best thing
How Long does Spaghetti Squash Last in the Fridge
When all you want is to devour pasta for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, it’s hard to find healthy alternatives that still fulfill your pesky cravings.
Canning Spaghetti Squash
We all have a favorite squash recipe, but spaghetti squash is unique with its stringy pasta-like texture. This versatile squash makes the perfect low carb,
Gourd vs Squash
Autumn is here, the leaves burst with yellow, orange, and red colors, and it’s time to pick pumpkins from the garden for baking pumpkin pie
How to Store Spaghetti Squash
Many people wish they could eat pasta for all three meals each day. Unfortunately, this isn’t the healthiest option, which is why some are turning
How to Freeze Spaghetti Squash
Spaghetti squash has gained renown in recent years as a low carb, gluten-free alternative for grain-based pasta. However, these winter squash tend to be quite
How to Grow Spaghetti Squash
It’s a sad time when the summer growing season comes to a close. We think our once lively vegetable garden is no longer useful and
How to Freeze Zucchini Squash
For many gardeners, summer means an abundance of zucchini. While there are plenty of delicious recipes using summer squash, it’s sometimes a challenge to use
How to Tell if Zucchini is Bad
Fresh zucchini spoils fairly quickly, whether you get them from the grocery store or grow your own. Therefore, it’s important to know the signs of
How to Store Squash
It’s the end of the squash season, and your kitchen is overflowing with everything from acorn squash to zucchini. Since many squash types last pretty
How to Preserve Squash
Late summer brings a bounty of fresh vegetables, and squash is a favorite among gardeners. With such a plentiful harvest, discovering how to preserve squash
How Long Does Squash Last
Squash makes a tasty and nutritious addition to a meal. Whether it’s served as a side dish or as the main course, keeping squash fresh
Canning Squash
Despite what you may have heard, canning squash is possible, but certain squash types require special steps. According to the USDA, summer squash, such as
How to Freeze Squash
There is nothing more gratifying than picking and eating fresh vegetables during a harvest. That is, except for enjoying them in the middle of the