Stink bugs are a uniquely disgusting and unwelcome pest in North America. This disagreeable insect enjoys dark spaces and makes its presence known with a
stink bugs
Natural Stink Bug Repellent
Are you searching for a natural stink bug repellent? There’s nothing worse than an unexpected stink bug infiltration. These pests seem to spring up at
What Attracts Stink Bugs
You probably encountered a stink bug if you accidentally stepped on a weird-looking bug and noticed a foul odor. They get their name from the
How to Treat Stink Bugs
Knowing how to treat stink bugs saves you a headache. Stink bugs are notorious for their foul odor. They regularly invade homes in the colder
How to Use Neem Oil for Stink Bugs
Explore how to use neem oil for stink bugs and say goodbye to harmful chemical insecticides, as well as these odorous and destructive pests. Stink
Squash Bugs vs Stink Bugs
If you grow your own food, you’ve probably come across a variety of insects in the garden, and some of them, like the squash bug
How to Keep Stink Bugs off Tomatoes
Stink bugs, which are sometimes referred to as shield bugs due to their shape, are bothersome insect pests that tend to wreak havoc in the
Tomato Bugs
Growing tomatoes in your garden is a gratifying experience. You put in weeks of hard work and dedication to develop the perfect heirloom tomato, and
How to Get Rid of Gnats Outside
Gnats are frequently referred to as many different tiny flying insects, including fungus gnats, no-see-ums, fruit flies, and biting gnats to name a few. However,
How to Get Rid of Roaches without an Exterminator
Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests we have today, so it’s no wonder there are tons of home remedies to get rid
How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs in the Home and Garden
Can you tell me how to get rid of stink bugs in the home and garden? They’re eating up my green beans. We keep finding
How to Keep Yellow Jackets Away
If you’ve ever had one of your late-summer barbecues ruined by pesky yellow jackets, you probably have wondered how to keep yellow jackets away from