Garden season is upon us, and it’s time to start thinking about vegetables to plant in April. There are so many options it can almost feel overwhelming, but we’ve assembled a terrific list to help you choose wisely and grow the vegetable garden you’ve always wanted this year.
Whether you’re starting seedlings indoors for transplant or sowing right into the soil, April is a great time to plan for your hardier crops. Some cool-season crops can be planted in early spring before the last frost in your area; however, the ground must be thawed and prepped for plant life.
For best results, embrace veggies that thrive in your climate and give you a consistent yield. Choose a nice, sunny planting space with shelter from winds.

Decide What Vegetables to Plant in April
Many plants have pH needs that are easy to maintain; therefore, you can confidently care for your plant’s specific soil requirements for a more successful season. With these few issues met, you’re ready to start planting vegetables of your favorite varieties.
Use this article to help you narrow down some fantastic vegetable options for your own garden this year, whether you are growing bitter melon from seeds or tomatoes. Depending on your growing zone, you may be able to plant in February if it’s a warmer climate.
Alliums as Vegetables to Grow in April

Do you know when to plant onions outdoors? Starting a garden in April should begin with alliums. They jazz up any meal, and their flowers are a favorite of helpful pollinators. Commonly cultivated alliums include leeks, chives, shallots, and onions. Alliums are easy to grow in various soil types and are great beginner plants.
Chives and onions make good neighbors for most plants in your vegetable garden and tolerate routine harvesting. Trim them regularly for use in all sorts of dishes.
Plant a few alliums near vulnerable crops to keep them safe from pests like aphids, but avoid alliums near legumes as they impede nitrogen production in the root system.
Plant Apiaceae in April

Apiaceae, also known as Umbelliferae, are usually aromatic herbs such as cilantro and include tubers like parsnips and potatoes. They’re terrific vegetables to plant in April because they germinate slowly and have a long growing season.
Apiaceae enjoy a soil pH of 6.5-6.8 with high calcium levels and constant moisture during germination. Plant them in smart little rows and intersperse helpful flowers like alyssum or marigolds to keep weeds down and entice pollinators.
Brassicas Make Great Vegetables to Grow in April

Brassicas make great veggies to plant in April. If you live in a colder growing zone, these are the veggies to grow in May. The beautiful Brassica family includes veggies like kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, and radishes. It’s the best time to plant turnips, too. Brussels sprouts, in particular, have high levels of fiber and antioxidants, but if you’d rather not eat them, try flowering ornamental cabbage for a striking addition.
Brassicas are cold tolerant and will be ready for harvest from May to June if planted in early April. They have a long growing season. To start Brussel sprouts and the rest of the Brassicas, it’s a good idea to start them indoors before transplanting.
Starting seeds indoors helps them get established for the growing season and should be done 6-8 weeks before your last predicted spring frost date.
April is a good time to plant radishes and they sprout faster than other members of their family.
The Aster Family

Asteraceae is a large plant family known for its many beautiful garden ornamentals. However, Asteraceae edibles such as endive, artichoke, and lettuce are also popular when considering what vegetables to plant in April. Crops like endive and lettuce are easy-growing and won’t give you a lot of trouble.
Artichokes look spectacular yet can be tricky to grow from seed and require some patience. They require winter chill hours to flower, and you still need to protect them from frost.
They’re considered a cool weather veggie, hardy in zone 6, and prefer a soil pH of 5.6-6.6 for best growth. They are pretty delicious vegetables to grow in April, and it’s worth the extra effort.
Plants for Hotter Hardiness Zones

If you’re in a warmer hardiness zone in the USA, why not try some members of the Cucurbitaceae family? Wonderful seeds to plant in April include summer squash, winter squash, watermelons, and cantaloupe.
You can even add biodiversity to your vegetable garden in late April and plant lovely marigolds to deter garden pests. For warmer hardiness zones, the best time to plant cucumber seeds is in April, too.
Cucurbit Care
Cucurbits love high phosphorus and potassium levels in the earth; to fertilize, use a 6-10-10 mixture. Plant these little guys right into the dirt or “direct-sow.”
However, they’re very tender, and you should ensure the soil is at least 45°F before planting. Cucurbits can get quite large and require space to vine after sprouting, which needs to factor into your planning.
Still Wondering What Vegetables to Plant in April?

There are so many excellent options for what can be planted in April that we needed to include a few more ideas here. Whether you plant corn or rhubarb, use these ideas to expand your garden.
We hope you’re excited to sow your garden now that you have some suggestions for vegetables to plant in April. If you’re new to vegetable gardening, start small and expand as you gain experience.
Find your hardiness zone for help planning appropriate vegetables and learn when to plant corn seeds or other seed types. Use care on your garden soil pH and test it regularly for fussy plants. Water and mulch according to individual needs, and prune appropriately.
Don’t be afraid to ask experts at your local garden center if you get stuck. With a bit of know-how, there’s no gardening goal you can’t achieve.
Very quickly, your friends and neighbors will be coming to you for information about your incredible vegetable garden, not to mention the health benefits of growing your own food crops. Go on out there and make this your most productive growing season yet!

If you loved these ideas for vegetables to plant in April, share them with a friend on Pinterest or Facebook who also wants a gorgeous vegetable garden.