Sometimes, one of the most significant problems that you can face with your garden are the birds that like to eat the seeds and pick away at your growing plants. If left unchecked, they can quickly destroy your newly developing garden.
Along with destroying your garden, birds create unwanted messes and can be a general nuisance. If you’re tired of dealing with a bird problem and the destruction caused by unwanted birds in your garden, you can use a homemade bird repellent spray to effectively and naturally, get rid of birds.
Birds can be lovely and pleasant to be around when they aren’t destroying our gardens and making a mess around our homes. When the population gets out of control, the bird problems become compounded and can be challenging to handle.

How to Make a Natural Bird Repellent Spray
While there are many commercial bird deterrents on the market, many of them contain harsh chemicals that could be harmful to your family and that could further damage your garden, not to mention expensive. If you want to keep birds from destroying your garden, here are three non-toxic, cost-effective bird repellent recipes for keeping birds away.
Chili Peppers to Keep Birds Away
You can use chili peppers, apple cider vinegar, and water to make a homemade bird repellent spray to keep birds off your garden plants. To eliminate bird activity in your yard, spray this spray on your plants and other areas where birds tend to gather to keep them at bay.
In a small bowl, crush the chili peppers, making sure to mash them well. Fill the empty soda bottle with the water, then add the crushed red pepper to the container. Replace the lid and shake well. Place the container in the sun for five days to ferment. After five days, bring it inside.
Add the apple cider vinegar to the mixture. Pour the homemade bird repellent into the spray bottle, then spray the mixture on your plants and in the larger areas where birds regularly visit. The spray works great to repel birds, and the vinegar for plants is safe to use. Repeat the process every couple of days to ensure birds stay away from your plants.
Cayenne Pepper to Repel Birds
Just like with the chili pepper spray, you can mix cayenne pepper with water to keep birds and other animals away from your plants. Animals can’t stand the smell of cayenne pepper and will steer well clear of any areas that have been sprayed with this mixture. Cayenne pepper also works as a homemade skunk repellent.
Pour the water into a large bowl. Add the cayenne pepper and the liquid dish soap to the mix. Vigorously stir the solution to ensure the pepper is thoroughly mixed. Allow the mixture to sit overnight.
The following day, stir the repellent again, then use a funnel to add the liquid to a spray bottle. Spray the tops and bottoms of your plant leaves to protect them and steer away birds that are looking for a snack.
Reapply the spray every week and after it’s rained. If you have problems with cats using your yard as their private litter box, you can also use this spray to keep cats out of the sandbox and garden.
Garlic Oil Spray for Bird Control
A surprisingly easy pest control solution for getting rid of birds is garlic oil. The strong odor of garlic is exceptionally unpleasant to pigeons and other birds. As a bird-repeller, garlic oil is an extremely affordable, non-toxic, and environmentally friendly alternative bird control method.
An added benefit of garlic oil is that it will also repel squirrels, providing your garden an extra layer of protection from these pests. You can either buy some garlic oil at the store or make your own homemade pigeon repellent with garlic oil at home.
Remove the garlic peel from the cloves. Using the back of a knife, crush the garlic cloves, then place them in the glass jar. Pour the olive oil over the crushed garlic. Replace the lid to the jar and shake to mix the garlic and oil.
Store the jar in the refrigerator for five days to allow the flavors to blend. Place the garlic oil in containers around your garden or add it to a spray bottle and spray your plants and other areas around your home like your windowsills. The pungent aroma of this homemade pigeon repellent will drive birds from your yard.
Products to Bird Proof Your Home and Yard
If you don’t have the time to make your bird repellent, there are several environmentally friendly solutions that you can use to keep birds away. A bird gel, like the Bird-X Bird-Proof Gel Bird Repellent, is a bio repellent gel that you can use to prevent birds and pigeons from congregating and roosting in unwanted areas outdoors.
You can also erect bird netting around the plants in your garden to prevent pesky birds from reaching your plants and destroying them. Bird netting comes in a variety of shapes and forms making it an excellent product for gardens of all sizes.
Unfortunately, when it comes to ultrasonic devices, you should save your money. The birds can’t hear the high audio frequency that is emitted by these devices, so the only thing these types of devices will annoy are your cats and the neighborhood dogs.
Dealing with unwanted birds in your garden can be incredibly frustrating, but there are ways that you can deal with the problem. From the commercial products on the market that have been proven effective for getting rid of birds to the homemade bird repellent spray that is inexpensive and easy to make, you don’t have to continue to live with pesky birds in your yard.
Don’t let pesky birds continue to ruin your garden, take matters into your own hands and keep them away for good.
Recipe for Homemade Bird Repellent Spray

Homemade Bird Repellent Spray
Keep birds out with this spicy concoction.
- 12 hot peppers
- 32 ounces water
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- Gloves
- Mortar and pestle
- 32-ounce container with a lid
- Spray bottle
- Measuring cup
- Tablespoon
- Put on the gloves.
- Smash the peppers with the mortar and pestle.
- Add the water to the container with the crushed peppers.
- Shake well.
- Place the mixture out in a sunny area for 5-7 days.
- Pour the vinegar and repellent into the sprayer and shake vigorously.
- Spray on plants and other areas where you don't want birds.
Any type of hot pepper will work, such as jalapenos or chiles.

We hope you enjoyed learning how to make a homemade bird repellent spray to keep birds away. If you found the information in this bird and garden article useful, please feel free to share these repellent tips with your family and friends.