Does baking soda kill roaches? An affordable and safe roach killer may seem too good to be true, yet baking soda offers that. Combining baking soda and sugar to kill roaches is a time-tested home remedy and an ideal way to eradicate unwanted insect pests from your home without resorting to synthetic insecticides or poison.
Will baking soda kill cockroaches? Baking soda isn’t appetizing to roaches; they won’t consume it unless it’s combined with a sweet bait. Blending baking soda and sugar or cocoa powder makes a convenient roach killer. The insects eat the baking soda and react with the water inside them to dispatch them.
When roaches strike, your home starts to feel like a battleground. Use simple and safe pest control by relying on baking soda to destroy your cockroach population. Purchasing traps, sprays, and poisons is expensive, and it’s challenging to eradicate the insects without accidentally exposing your family or pets to harm. Follow along for natural ways to get roaches out of your house with pet safe ingredients.
Will Baking Soda Kill Cockroaches in Your Home?
Does baking soda kill roaches? The answer is yes. Though it’s better known for its use in baking pies and cakes or cleaning hacks, baking soda is a proven pet safe roach killer. It’s straightforward to blend baking soda and sugar to kill roaches.
Don’t panic about your pets or children accidentally coming into contact with dangerous chemical poisons and insecticides.
American and German roaches are common household pests that quickly become a source of anxiety and inconvenience. Keep roaches away with baking soda and remove them from your pantry to deal with your roach infestation effortlessly.
Does Baking Soda Kill Roaches?
According to the International Journal of Advanced Research, baking soda powder eliminates cockroaches within 12-24 hours after they consume it. Baking soda pest control rivals Borax (boric acid) and synthetic insecticides in efficiency and works for both German cockroach and American cockroach infestations.
After the baking soda powder is ingested, it combines with water inside the cockroach’s digestive system to produce an abundance of carbon dioxide gas which promptly kills the roach.
While the baking powder is needed to remove a cockroach population, straight baking soda isn’t enough to achieve pest control in your home. Thanks to their highly developed sense of taste and smell, roaches are adverse to the salty taste of baking soda and won’t eat it unless it’s combined with a sweet bait – many people choose sugar.
Mix Baking Soda and Sugar to Kill Roaches
Though baking soda eliminates roaches efficiently, they don’t eat it. The salty taste of baking soda is off-putting to cockroaches, but fortunately, blending it with sugar makes it sweet and appealing enough for them to consume it happily.
Thoroughly mix the powders. Set out paper plates containing the mixture, or pour it directly onto the floor and surfaces where roaches have been seen. Vacuum up dead roaches and replenish the sugar and baking powder mixture as required until the insects are gone.
Baking Soda and Borax Roach Killer
For a heavy infestation, consider combining boric acid and baking powder with bait to make the ultimate roach-killing powder. Borax or boric acid kills cockroaches by disrupting their nervous and digestive systems and works on contact.
Add the powders to a small bowl to mix, or put them in a sealed baggie and shake until they’re thoroughly blended. Spread or sprinkle the powder anywhere roaches are present and replace as necessary. Take care when using cocoa powder-based products on light-colored carpets or upholstery, as it may leave a brown mark.
Other Home Hacks for Eliminating a Cockroach Infestation
Try other homemade cockroach killer ideas if you don’t have baking soda powder. Blend several drops of roach deterring essential oils with eight ounces of water in a glass spray bottle to make a spray to repel roaches.
Lemongrass and peppermint essential oil are excellent choices, and lemon juice works in a pinch. Try setting out a bay leaf or making a DIY diluted distilled vinegar spray to repel cockroaches until you purchase baking soda.
If you don’t want to use a simple home remedy to kill roaches, opt for a commercial pest control product like Pest Pro, and use it under the manufacturer’s directions.
Environmental Roach Prevention With Baking Soda Treatment
Combining a little home maintenance and cleanup with your baking soda treatment helps to increase its success. Roaches are drawn to places with easy access to food and shelter. A clean home is the ultimate cockroach repellent.
Though it may seem simple, wiping down counters to get rid of crumbs or cleaning your dishes of all traces of food before leaving them in the sink goes a long way to discouraging insects. Removing resources helps clear out cockroach infested areas or prevent the bugs from moving in.
Will baking soda kill cockroaches? Baking soda powder is an efficient roach killer, won’t harm your pets or family, and is straightforward to use. When you’re debating purchasing a commercial roach spray or an expensive roach trap, it’s worth considering baking soda.
Whether you’re on a budget, prefer not to use chemical insecticides, or seek less labor-intensive pest control, baking soda is the solution. Mix baking soda with bait and set it out – the most challenging part of the job is sweeping up dead cockroaches.
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