Are you stressed about how to get urine smell out of the carpet? A persistent urine smell is an unfortunate side effect of potty training your baby or pets. Accidents happen, and in time, the urine residue in your carpet builds up, amounting to a noticeable urine scent in the room.
Urine is how we excrete waste from our bodies; pee contains a smell-causing compound known as uric acid. It also harbors bacteria and other microorganisms as it sits on your carpet. If you’re experiencing a pee odor, likely, you didn’t completely lift all the urine, or it soaked down into your carpet padding, and a deeper cleaning is required.
It’s normal to be embarrassed, yet many people aren’t sure how to remove human pee smell from carpet, and it’s a challenge in many homes. Fortunately, getting urine smell out of the carpet isn’t complicated. Forget dangerous chemicals, and follow our step-by-step instructions to use familiar products to get rid of the urine odor for good.

How to Remove Human Pee Smell From Carpet
Everyone deserves to spend their time in a clean space, free of urine odor. A potty-training toddler or a new puppy doesn’t mean you have to live with the stench of pee.
Explore ideas for how to get urine smell out of the carpet quickly and without spending a fortune. Use remedies with distilled vinegar, dish soap, apple cider vinegar, and carpet cleaning for getting urine smell out of the carpet.
Why Does Human or Pet Urine Smell?
Dog pee, cat pee, and even human urine are all similar in that they contain odor-causing uric acid and create a smell if not cleaned up. When urine soaks into your carpet fiber, it becomes a target for microorganisms. Over time, the bacteria grow and produce more odorous particles, so the stench of urine worsens.
Clean up a urine spot as soon as you discover it to avoid sinking into your carpeting and the padding beneath or causing an unpleasant odor. Put a paper towel on the area to absorb the moisture.
Blot up the bulk of the surface wetness, place clean paper towels over the pee stain, and press down firmly. After you complete these preliminary steps, choose a cleaning technique from the options below to eradicate the odor of urine.
How to Get Urine Smell Out of the Carpet
Baking soda is a cheap and widely available tool to eradicate human or dog urine smell from your carpets. Fight urine odor by dusting baking soda on your carpet, leaving it overnight to soak up the scent, and vacuuming. Alternatively, construct DIY odor eater balls to place in a room to absorb the smell of pee.
Fill each old sock with two heaped tablespoons of baking soda and knot or glue it shut. Place your odor-eaters near the urine-stained spot, or make a few batches and scatter them throughout the space to absorb the pee scent and other unpleasant aromas.
The sock’s fabric allows odors to travel through while keeping the powder contained to minimize mess.
Getting Urine Smell Out of the Carpet
Commercial cleaning companies use carpet and upholstery cleaning to deep clean and remove any undesirable odor. A carpet cleaning machine uses a combination of a rolling brush, hot water, carpet shampoo, and suction to eliminate dirt and urine remnants.
The cleaner reaches through your carpet fibers and into the carpet pad to ensure no odorous molecules remain. Use your carpet cleaner with appropriate shampoo and according to directions. If you don’t have a carpet cleaner, use your steam cleaner or hire a carpet cleaning service.
Removing Urine Smell From the Carpet Quickly
Distilled white vinegar is a brilliant natural way to get cat urine out of your house. The acetic acid in white vinegar degrades the uric acid to stop the stench. Tea tree essential oil adds antibacterial properties to the spray.
Combine the ingredients in a plastic spray bottle, shake well, and apply a liberal layer to the urine stain. Allow the cleaning solution to seep into the carpet. Blot up the cleaner and urine with paper towels and repeat as needed to oust the odor.
Get Pee Smell Out of the Carpet Fast
An enzymatic cleaner is a specialist cleaner that will eliminate a human or cat urine smell and the accompanying stain on your carpet. Enzymatic cleaners, as the name suggests, use enzymes to break down the chemicals in urine, leaving behind benign and odorless chemicals that are easy to wash out of your carpet.
These products are handy since they are intended explicitly for biological substances responsible for urine, sweat, or pet odor. Purchase enzyme cleaners at pet stores, in the laundry aisle, or online.
Choose an enzymatic cleanser appropriate for your needs and follow the directions on the packaging to eradicate human or pet urine stains and erase odors without resorting to harmful chemicals.
Dish Soap Is a Urine Odor Remover
Discovering urine on the carpet is stressful when you lack supplies. Fortunately, making a DIY urine odor remover with liquid dish detergent and water is simple. Dish liquid will clean the smell of pee off rugs and carpets. It’s also excellent for mattress cleaning or eliminating urine or a pet stain from the carpet.
Mix two tablespoons of colorless liquid dish soap into two cups of hot water. Dip a clean towel into the soapy water and scrub it back and forth over the pee stain for a few minutes. Ensure the entire pee stain is damp but not soaked. Use a clean towel to dry the carpet. If the smell continues, rewash the carpet with soapy water.
Destroy Dog Pee Smell on the Carpet
Apple cider vinegar eliminates uric acid in pee and works as a homemade dog urine cleaner for old stains on the carpet. Combine the vinegar with an essential oil like lavender or lemongrass for a pleasantly-scented urine cleaning spray. This spray is an excellent choice if you prefer not to use synthetic cleaners.
Shake the contents in a sprayer, wet the afflicted carpet, and leave it for ten minutes. Pat the region with paper towels to absorb the remaining moisture.
Did this article enlighten you on how to remove human pee smell from carpet? Living or working in a space that smells like pee is unpleasant. Though potty accidents are entirely normal, there’s no need to let odor ruin your day.
Whether from your pets or your children, if urine contacts your carpet, it’s vital to understand how to eliminate it to prevent bacterial accumulation and the accompanying odor. Use proven hacks to erase the smell of urine from any carpet, so your environment stays clean and smells fresh.

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