If you detect a musty smell throughout the house, it could be the carpets. Often, moisture accumulates in the fibers and carpet padding, which opens
Amazing Smelly and Stinky Carpet Care Tips
A smelly and stinky carpet makes a room uninviting and unpleasant. No matter how clean your home is, the bad odor lingers in the air and can even start to seep into furniture and window treatments, turning a minor problem into a larger one. While opening windows temporarily removes the carpet smell, the effects are short-lasting, and the odor returns as soon as you shut the window. Don’t tear up the carpeting and replace it yet. There are ways to remedy a smelly carpet, whether from dog pee and other pet odor or mold growth in a wet carpet.
Carpet odor is often challenging to remove since the smell gets deep into the carpet fiber. Learn how to restore a smelly and stinky carpet to its former glory by using a carpet deodorizer and performing carpet cleaning. Learn about making a homemade carpet cleaner to remove a wet carpet smell using white vinegar, baking soda, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, laundry detergent, and an enzymatic cleaner. Additionally, discover tips for removing stubborn carpet stains and odors, such as pet urine and gasoline, and keep the carpet smelling fresh.
How to Get Urine Smell Out of the Carpet
Are you stressed about how to get urine smell out of the carpet? A persistent urine smell is an unfortunate side effect of potty training
How to Get the Mildew Smell Out of Carpet
A musty or wet carpet smell fills the room with a less-than-desirable scent that lingers and permeates other materials. It not only smells terrible but
How to Get a Mold Smell Out of the Carpet
If you’ve suffered water damage or are moving into an old house, you probably need to know how to get a mold smell out of
How to Get Smoke Smell Out of Carpet
Nothing is more unpleasant than a smoke smell in the home, whether it’s from cigarette smoke, smoke residue from burnt food, or smoke damage from
How to Make Carpet Smell Good
Our carpets really do get the worst of it; muddy shoes, pet urine, food odor, – the list goes on. If you’re craving that new
How to Get Dog Poop Smell Out of Carpet
Every dog owner should learn how to get dog poop smell out of carpet. While it’s not one of the fun parts of owning a
How to Get Gas Smell Out of Carpet
If you’re moving a gas can through your house, gasoline is the last thing you want to spill on your carpet. Constantly inhaling spilled gas
How to Get Dog Pee Smell Out of the Carpet
Every dog parent needs to know how to get dog pee smell out of the carpet. No matter how trained your canine friend is, all
How to Deodorize Carpet
The smell is the first thing people notice when they walk into your house. Having a musty carpet contributes to that overall odor and stands
What Will Get Cat Smell Out Of Carpet?
It’s driving me crazy. What will get cat smell out of carpet? We moved in with my mother. She can keep the cats but this
How to Get Bad Smells Out of Carpet
Every homeowner knows, when it comes to their carpet, accidents happen. Things get spilled, kids get sick, pets have accidents. It’s a part of life.
How to Get Urine Smell Out of Carpet
If your cat has taken to urinating outside the litter box, it can be difficult to remove and nearly impossible to mask. Of all the