Discovering you have a bee problem in your home is troubling, whether you hear them buzzing in the wall or see them crawling into a hole in the concrete or siding. Dealing with bee infestation is scary, especially when you don’t know what bee species you have. Discover how to remove bees from a wall by identifying the bee type and taking cautionary steps for bee removal.
There are many types of bees, from bumble bees, carpenter bees, and mason bees to ground bees, honeybees, and foraging bees. Bees are a critical part of the environment, as they pollinate trees, flowers, and plants. Their venom is a natural treatment for varying ailments.
Some bees, like the bumble bee or honeybee, are pretty docile, yet others, like the Africanized honey bee, or killer bee, are dangerous since it doesn’t take much to provoke a swarm of relentless bee stings. It’s vital to know which bee you’re dealing with and take the proper steps to remove live or dead bees.

Identifying and Removing Bees From a Wall
Bees are an essential part of nature. However, they become a concern if a bee colony makes a hive in the walls of your home. Find out how to identify bees to determine if you should call pest control and how to remove bees and a bee nest safely.
Why Do Bees Make Hives in Walls?
Each species of bees has preferences when hive building. For example, ground bees nest in large holes in the ground, and the mason bee builds its nest in hollow stems of plants. But, why do bees make nests in walls?
The main reason you find bees and hives in a wall is that the scout bees are sent out by the honey bee colony in search of a warm and safe place to nest. When they find an entrance into the wall of your home, they discover the perfect place for building a hive.
Identifying Bees Before Bee Removal
Understanding which bee type is living in your property’s structure is useful before learning how to get bees out of walls. Prevent destroying beneficial bees or suffering a bee attack from an Africanized bee. Explore the differences between bees, wasps, and hornets and their nests.
First, identify the insect to determine whether it is a bee rather than a wasp or hornet. Bees tend to be rounder and have hair, while hornets and wasps have pointer thoraxes and are smooth.
Africanized bees look similar to regular honeybees but are slightly smaller. Try to get a look at the nest. Honeybees build a wax comb, and other stinging insects construct nests from mud and wood fiber.
How to Get Bees Out of Walls
It’s vital to take care of the bee issue right away if you discover a yellow jacket or carpenter bee making its way into the wall. Discover how to kill bees around your house with easy solutions if you only have a few bees.
Start by determining exactly where the nest is inside the wall. Set up a lure trap near the area to draw bees from the colony. Once you notice that many bees are out of the wall, drill a hole where the nest is located. Insert the applicator end of the pesticide into the hole.
Squeeze the tube to release the powder and repeat as needed until all the bees are destroyed. Seal the drill hole with caulk.
How to Remove Bees From a Wall
It’s possible to get rid of honey bees and remove pests from your walls yourself if you can’t find a local beekeeper or prefer to do the job independently. Explore how to get rid of honey bees in walls by removing the bee swarm.
Put on protective clothing like a beekeeper’s outfit or long sleeves and pants to prevent a bee sting. Locate the bee hive and take the necessary steps to expose the wall carefully without disturbing too many bees. Use a bee vacuum to suck up the honey bee swarms into the bee trap by starting at the bottom.
Hold the vacuum two to three inches from the honey bee swarm and move the hose back and forth until you remove all the bees. Bring the bees to a beekeeper or release them away from your property.
After Getting Rid of Bees in Walls
Though the bee problem is gone, there is still work to be done after you remove a bee swarm from your home. Clean and seal the wall after getting rid of bees in walls of your house to keep them from coming back.
Wear gloves and remove the honeycomb and dead bees from the wall with your hands and a putty knife. Or, destroy the bee nest by mixing water, soap, and peppermint leaves in a bucket and pouring it directly over the comb. Once the bee hive is gone, repair the wall and seal cracks and holes.
Calling a Professional for Honeybee Removal
While you may feel like you can tackle a bee problem on your own, there are times when it’s necessary to call a professional to remove a beehive from a wall. Perhaps the bees are inaccessible, or you don’t have the proper equipment for bee removal.
If you don’t want to remove bees from a brick wall or have bee allergies, it’s best to call a bee professional as soon as possible. First, try contacting a local beekeeper since many are interested in acquiring more hives. Many non-profit bee removal services remove and relocate bees without killing them if you can’t find a beekeeper.
Ways to Prevent Bees in Walls
Getting rid of bees in walls of your house is not fun. Prevention is the best way to ensure you don’t have to go through the honey bee removal or wasp extermination process. Follow simple tips for keeping bees out of the yard and walls.
Bees avoid peppermint, and growing peppermint plants around your property keeps them at bay. However, plant them at least five feet away from flowering plants to ensure the bees pollinate the blooms.
You can also find ways to control carpenter bees by avoiding plants that the bees are attracted to, like lavender and oregano.
Wash house ledges with a mixture of soapy water and mint. Fill a bucket with water, add a couple of squirts of liquid dish soap and a handful of mint leaves and wash the edges of the roof to stop bees from nesting. Treat the walls for bees immediately if you notice bee activity.
Coming across the occasional bee now and then is one thing, but dealing with an entire colony of bees is another matter, especially when they build a nest in a wall. Fortunately, there are ways to remove a bee hive, whether you call your local beekeeper or do it yourself.

It’s essential to know how to remove bees from a wall safely, so why not share our tips for getting rid of bees in a wall with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest?