Smart and Easy Tips for Planting Fruits
Vegetables, herbs, and flowers aren’t the only things that grow in a garden. Melons, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, avocados, and other fruits are also great choices for home gardening, and many of them are suitable for planting in a container. If you decide to grow fruits but you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Our fruit growing information guide lays out everything there is to know about different types of fruits and berries, from cranberries and cantaloupe to blueberries and elderberries.
Fruiting plants are just as easy to grow as veggies, and some of them even regrow from leftovers. Learn ways to start a fruit garden from seed and young plants by providing them with the right soil and growing conditions. Find out how to grow fruits step by step, give them proper care throughout the growing season, and when to harvest them for the tastiest crop. Explore different forms of pest control to save your plants from an infestation, diseases to keep an eye out for, ways to prevent them, and which companion plants help your fruit garden flourish.